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2026-2032 Capital Planning Process

KRS Chapter 7A establishes a six-year capital planning process applicable to all branches and agencies of Kentucky state government. That process requires each state agency to submit its capital plan for a six-year period to the Capital Planning Advisory Board (CPAB) no later than April 15 of each odd-numbered year.

Once finalized, the key dates and schedule for the 2026-2032 capital planning process will be published on this webpage.

Changes to the Planning System
We are pleased to announce the development of a new web-based capital planning system, the General Assembly Budget System (GABS), for the upcoming 2026-2032 planning period. In the coming weeks, information regarding training opportunities and related user materials will be disseminated. The existing web-based capital planning system will remain available in read-only access for existing users to view historical data. All links to instructions under the Downloads header are for the outgoing capital planning system and are meant for reference only.

Capital Planning Training
A training opportunity for the new capital planning system will be available via a pre-scheduled Zoom meeting in December 2024. More information regarding the date, time, and accessibility of the web-based training will be shared once available.

Capital Project Thresholds
There have been no changes to the capital project thresholds since the 2018 Regular Session of the General Assembly. The current thresholds are one million dollars ($1,000,000) for capital construction and information technology projects and two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for equipment.

IT Project Review – Commonwealth Office of Technology

During the capital planning process, the Commonwealth Office of Technology (COT) is primarily responsible for the review, assessment, and enterprise ranking for executive branch IT projects (excluding postsecondary education.) Agencies with IT projects in their capital plans will be contacted by COT staff after the submission period to schedule a short presentation to the scoring committee. (The scoring criteria for the 2026-2032 planning period are currently being developed and will be posted on the COT website upon finalization in late January.)

Six-Year Capital Plan Building Standards Guidance

PDF Document



Current Capital Planning Instructions

Capital Planning Advisory Board homepage  

Detailed Instructions - Functions

Set Agency Level Priorities
Set Cabinet Level Priorities
Plan Validation
Plan Submission
Agencies With Proposed Capital Projects And Whose Plans Are Submitted To CPAB Through A Cabinet
Agencies With Proposed Capital Projects And Whose Plans Are Submitted Directly To CPAB
Agencies With No Proposed Capital Projects And Whose Plans Are Submitted To CPAB Through A Cabinet
Agencies With No Proposed Capital Projects And Whose Plans Are Submitted Directly To CPAB  

Detailed Instructions - Background Forms

Form SYP-B1 - Agency Mission and Programs
Form SYP-B2 - Agency Facilities Management
Form SYP-B3 - Capital-Related Reports
Form SYP-B5 - Status of Recently Completed/Ongoing Projects
Form SYP-B4a - State-Owned Property Administered by the Agency
Form SYP-B4b - Vacant Square Footage in State-Owned Facilities Managed/Administered by the Agency
Form SYP-B4c - Space Occupied in State-Owned Property Administered by Another Agency
Form SYP-B4d - Non-State-Owned Property Occupied by the Agency
Form SYP-B4e - Space Occupied (Subleased) in Non-State-Owned Property Leased by Another State Agency
Form SYP-B4f - State-Owned Aircraft  

Detailed Instructions - Plan Forms

Form SYP-P1 - Agency Plan Overview
Form SYP-P2 - Proposed Projects
Form SYP-P3 - Space Needs
Form SYP-P4 - Space Reductions  

Detailed Instructions - Ancillary Forms

Form SYP-A2 - Agency Bond Priorities
Form SYP-A3 - Off-Budget Funds