Christmas display, business, immunity of - HB 492
Creation of protected status, prohibition of - HB 226
Eminent domain, takings for economic development, federal constitutional prohibition of - HCR 24
Felons, voting right restoration on conditions - HB 647
Flag desecration likely to produce breach of peace, prohibit - HB 58
Genetic testing, prohibition against employer's use of - HB 49
Illegal immigration across U.S. borders, U.S. Congress to provide security against - HCR 6
Judicial election campaigns, free speech - HB 382: HFA (1)
National identification card, urge Congress to repeal - HCR 208
 status, allow for the creation of - HB 474
Restoration of civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 184, 251
Sex offenders, increase distance from and prohibit from school grounds - HB 157
 orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 99
 orientation and gender identity, discrimination based on, prohibit - HB 369
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying program or curriculum, adopted by school council - HB 270: HFA (3)
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying program or curriculum, opt out provision - HB 270: HFA (4)
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying program or curriculum, parents and students rights - HB 270: HFA (3)
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying, program or curriculum, adopted by school council - HB 270: HCS
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying, program or curriculum, parents' and students' rights - HB 270: HCS
Uniform application, civil rights law - SB 178; HB 215
Voting rights, wards and guardians - HB 332