 directives and organ donations, Kentucky e-Health Network, electronic registries of - SB 19
 directives, Ky e-Health Network, registries of location and existence of - SB 19: SCS
Capital projects threshold amounts, increase - SB 84
Commonwealth Office of Technology, agencies' confidential or privileged data - SB 134: HCS
Consumer records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 54: HFA (1),(4)
Department for Public Health, improve health through enhanced use of e-health by - SJR 104
Health benefits made available to the public, restoration of certain - HB 622: HFA (1)
Internet, health care data posted on, consumer access to - HB 622
Kentucky health information technology coordinator, establish the position of - SB 249
National identification card, urge Congress to repeal - HCR 208
 911 Coordinator, transferred to Office for Homeland Security - SB 134
 Geographic Advisory Council, renamed the Kentucky Geospatial Board - SB 134
Technology, No Child Left Offline initiative, commending - HJR 199
Telehealth Board, increase membership of and confirm Executive Order 2005-1286 - SB 58
Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act, adoption of - SB 85
Wireless enhanced emergency 911 systems, payment for - SB 53