Activated members of National Guard or Reserves, continuation of benefits, requirement for - HB 314
Benefits, military service - HB 379
CERS, high-three final compensation window extension - HB 53, 653; HB 600: HFA (3),(4); HB 653: HCS, HFA (1),(2)
Deferred Retirement Option Program, establishment for certain CERS hazardous duty employees - SB 234
Hazardous duty, urban-county government solid waste employees - HB 519
Investment advisors hired by Public Pension Financing Adv. Commission, subject to CFA Code of Ethics - HB 600: HFA (8)
Form Retirement System, urge the system to curtail investments in Sudan - HR 273
Retirement Plan, adjust COLA and new hire employee contribution - SB 163: HFA (1)
Retirement Plan, adjust COLA and new hire employee contribution rate - HB 600: HFA (2); HB 622: SCS
Judicial Form Retirement System, the Sudan, divestment of investments in - HB 703: HCS
Judicial Retirement System, urge the system to curtail investments in Sudan - HB 501: HFA (1)
Public Employees Deferred Compensation Authority, authorize investment advice program - HB 697
Public Employees Deferred Compensation Authority, housekeeping changes - HB 697
Retirement System, DROP program for certain hazardous duty employees - SB 234
Retirement System, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - SB 163: HFA (1); HB 600: CCR
Retirement Systems, amend hazardous duty retiree health benefits - SB 249
Retirement Systems, definition of hazardous duty - HB 519
Retirement systems, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - HB 600
Retirement Systems, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - HB 600: SCS, HCS, HFA (7); HB 622: SCS
Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill - HB 501
Retirement Systems, Housekeeping Bill - HB 501: HCS
Retirement Systems, increase for death in the line of duty benefits - HB 20
Retirement Systems, option for payment by check - HB 457; HB 457: HCS
Retirement Systems, urge the systems to curtail investments in Sudan - HR 273; HB 501: HFA (1)
Retirement Systems, urge the systems to curtail investments in Sudan and China - HB 600: HFA (5)
Teachers' Retirement System, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - SB 163: HFA (1)
Teachers' Retirement System, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - HB 600; HB 600: HCS, HFA (7), CCR
Teacher's Retirement System, funding for - HB 742
Teachers' Retirement System, one-time election for participation in - SB 65: SCS
Teachers' Retirement System, participation option, university personnel - SB 65
Teachers' Retirement System, roll-over option - SB 65: SCS
Teachers' Retirement System, urge the system to curtail investments in Sudan - HB 501: HFA (1)
Teachers' Retirement Systems, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - HB 622: SCS
Teachers' Retirement Systems, urge the system to curtail investments in Sudan - HR 273
Teachers' Retirement Systems, urge the systems to curtail investments in Sudan and China - HB 600: HFA (5)
KERS, high-three final compensation and 2.2 percent benefit factor window extension - HB 53, 653; HB 600: HFA (3); HB 653: HCS, HFA (1),(2)
KLEPF fund salary supplements, retirement systems, exclusion from - HB 309
Legally adopted children, survivor benefits for - SB 131
Legislative Research Commission, provide same retiree health benefits as state employees - HB 743
Retirement Plan, adjust COLA and new hire employee contribution - SB 163: HFA (1)
Retirement Plan, adjust COLA and new hire employee contribution rate - HB 600: HCS; HB 622: SCS
Retiremetn Plan, set COLA - HB 600: HFA (6)
Member, retirement allowance, calculation of - HB 686
Membership, beneficiaries - HB 470
Optional retirement plan, benefits, university employees - SB 65: HFA (1); HB 470: SCS
Pension Financing Advisory Commission, subject to the Executive Branch Code of Ethics - HB 600: HFA (8)
servants, crimes committed by - HB 700
Retirement funds, police and firefighter, additions to - HB 647
School board member, service credit for retirement - HB 562
Senior status judge program, prerequisites for and sunsetting of - HB 581
Security Act, repeal of Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination provisions of - SR 53
Security Act, urge repeal of Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision of - HCR 16
pathologists and audiologists, supplemental pay authorized - HB 432: HCS
pathologists and audiologists, supplemental pay, retirement contributions considered - HB 432
State retirement systems, the Sudan, divestment of investments in - HB 703
retirement systems, plan design changes to KERS, CERS, SPRS, and KTRS - HB 600; HB 600: HCS
retirement systems, retiree health plan management - SB 249
retirement systems, securities litigation policies, provision for review of - HB 600: HFA (1)
Teachers, medical insurance fund - SB 11