WWW Version
- quota license, codify system for - SB 110: SFA (8), SFA (9)
- quota license system, codification of - HB 416
Alcoholic beverage sales, local government regulatory license fee, expansion of - SB 110: HFA (1); HB 267
Annexation, property owners within a territory, standing, grant of - HB 87
Audit, span of - SB 91: SFA (1)
Audits and financial statements - SB 91
Auxiliary containers, restrictions placed upon regulation of - SB 82
City-owned assets that provide water or sewer service, acquisition of - HB 399
Clerks, duties, information and submission requirements - HB 310
Codify alcohol quota license system for - SB 110; HB 450
Constable, constitutional amendment allowing legislative body of a city to suspend the powers of - HB 137
Constables and deputies, clarify powers - HB 420
County Employees Retirement System, separate administration from Kentucky Retirement Systems - HB 539
- for certain candidate filings, changes to - HB 97: FCCR
- for certain candidates filings, changes to - HB 97: SCS
Entertainment destination center, licensing for - SB 98: SCS
- wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency - HB 513: SFA (2)
- wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency, applicability of Chapter 278 - SB 151: SCS
Filing deadline for certain candidates seeking public office, changes to - HB 359
- departments created under KRS Chapter 273, administrative and fiscal reports - HB 122
- departments, volunteer, merger, volunteer fire department aid, payments to - HB 95
- districts, merger, maximum tax rate - HB 95
Firearms and ammunition, authority to regulate, consolidated local governments - HB 387
Firefighters Foundation Program, administrative cost payment relating to supplement - HB 461
Governmental units, regulation of electronic prescribing, standards, requiring - SB 143
Incorporation within counties containing consolidated local governments - SB 115
Interlocal agreements, extraterritorial wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency - SB 151
Investment of idle funds, certificates of deposit - HB 75: HFA (1)
Investments, limitations on - HB 75
Investments of idle funds - HB 75: HCS, SCS
Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program, administrative cost payment relating to supplement - HB 461
Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund, annual supplement, increase of - HB 140
- ABC investigators, allowing certification of - SB 124
- and statewide transient room tax, 30 days or less, limiting - HB 285
- firearms ordinances and restrictions by consolidated local governments, urging - HR 68
- firearms ordinances and restrictions, exemptions from restrictions - HB 189
- government premiums tax, schedule for refunds, establishing - HB 402
- public housing authorities, membership - HB 223
- regulation of tobacco products, allow - SB 93
Mandates, prohibition of - SB 88
Occupational license tax, county, set-off - HB 358
Open records, "public agency", definition of, exemption in - HB 232
Pensions - SB 92
- and zoning enforcement action, appeal, court costs, attorney fees - HB 322
- and zoning, joint board of adjustment - HB 138
Police and firefighter increases, administrative and fringe costs, reimbursements and payments - SB 90; SB 90: SCS; HB 140: HCS, SCS
Property taxes, contesting ad valorem increase, procedural adjustment - HB 272
- employees, state-sponsored life insurance, eligibility for - HB 158
- notices, Web site publication - HB 478
- playgrounds, accessible and inclusive design - HR 191; SR 290
Publishing requirements - HB 366: SCS
Reemployment after retirement, restrictions on city elected officials - SB 113; SB 113: HCS, HFA (11), HFA (12)
Religious organizations, discrimination, prohibiting - HB 372
- tax, allow home rule class cities to levy for CERS contributions - HB 490
- tax, portion to be used for tourism infrastructure - HB 413
Retirement and pensions, obligations - SB 88: SFA (1)
- districts, election of members of governing bodies - HB 186
- purpose governmental entities, review of fee and tax increases, requiring - SB 25; SB 25: SCS
Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, statewide applicability of - HB 550
Utility franchise fees, utilities' ability to recover from customers, city denial of - HB 546
Vacancies, special elections in consolidated local governments, allow reimbursement - HB 98
Volunteer firefighters, hunting and fishing licenses, issuance of at no charge - HB 106
Wastewater, extraterritorial facilities, acquisition of by local agency - SB 151
Wet cities; quota retail license limits - HB 400: SFA (1)