Consumer Affairs
WWW Version
Caller identification information, prohibiting misleading use of - HB 63; HB 475
Cellular phone numbers, unauthorized release for commercial purposes, prohibition of - HB 59; HB 59: HCS
- reporting agencies, data encryption, requirements for - SB 33; HB 188; SB 248
- reporting agencies, free credit freeze by, providing for - SB 33; HB 188; SB 248
- reporting agencies, security breach, requirements for - SB 33; HB 188; SB 248
- reporting agencies, security freezes by, prohibit fees for - HB 212
- access loans, licensees, creation of - SB 225
- freeze expiration, removal of - SB 33; HB 188; HB 212; SB 248
- freeze, method of requesting - SB 33; HB 188; HB 212; SB 248
- freezes, method of requesting - HB 46; HB 46: HCS
- freezes, removal of seven-year expiration - HB 46; HB 46: HCS
Deferred deposit transactions, financial verification for - HB 317
Human trafficking notice, require display of - HB 456
License ambulance providers, publication of fees on internet - HB 176: HFA (1)
Medicaid, Technical Advisory Committee on Consumer Rights and Client Needs, elimination - SB 96
Price controls during a state of emergency, violations of - SB 160
Public playgrounds, accessible and inclusive design - HR 191; SR 290
Unfair claims settlement practices, third-party claims against casualty insurers, prohibition - SB 224; HB 570