Athlete agents, parent or guardian acting as - SB 228: SFA (1)

Condominiums, maintenance fee, use of master deed to allocate - HB 325

Contracts, interest collectible after default - HB 369; HB 369: HCS

Debts, effect of actions taken by creditors on - HB 369; HB 369: HCS

Executive branch, public servants, business transaction prohibited with - HB 78

Interlocal agreements, extraterritorial wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency - SB 151

Israel, contracts with companies boycotting, prohibition - HB 298

Pension surcharge on state employment contracts - HB 338

Public works projects, contracts, guidelines for awarding - HB 471

Small business, procurement, economic development opportunity - SB 226

Sponsorships and endorsements, public universities, governing boards, review by - HB 129

State procurement, process for, confidentiality of - HB 216; HB 216: HCS; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)

Welding by mechanical engineers, exclusions from structural steel welding - HB 194