Elections and Voting
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Abolition of Office of Constable by legislative body of county, constitutional amendment allowing - HB 137
Absentee ballots, in-person and mail-in, time off to apply and execute - HB 474
Appellate judges, after appointed term, retention elections - HB 44
- for mail-in absentee ballot, permit transmittal by electronic mail - HB 274
- for mail-in absentee ballot, time of receipt requirement - HB 274
- for mail-in absentee ballot, voters with disabilities, make correction to conform - HB 274
Ballots, retention elections, appellate judges - HB 43
Boards of education, candidate requirements, proof of twelfth grade completion or equivalency - SB 101: SCS
Call on Congress to propose constitutional amendment to limit campaign expenditures - HR 98
Campaign finance, restrictions on certain organizations and expenditures, newly added - HB 439
Casino gaming, local option elections for - HB 41
Caucus campaign committee, inclusion of a state executive committee for a minor political party - HB 157
Certain candidates for office, nomination papers, Certificate of Good Standing, requiring - HB 446
Constable, constitutional amendment allowing abolition of office of - HB 137
Constitution of Kentucky, proposal to call convention for purpose of revising or amending - HB 76
- amendment, change election year of statewide constitutional officers - SB 4
- amendment, change election year of statewide constitutional officers, begin 2022 - HB 23: HFA (1)
- amendment, election of statewide constitutional officers - HB 23
- amendment, extension of terms of members of the General Assembly - SB 165
- amendment, General Assembly, approval or disapproval of administrative regulations - HB 10
- amendment, General Assembly, budget special session, compensation suspended - HB 57
- amendment proposal, ballot access, casino gaming - HB 229; SB 241
- board of elections, member of, vacancy, recommendation for replacement of - HB 304: HFA (1)
- consolidation, directed, county board of elections - HB 243
- consolidation, funds for special election, from state - HB 125
- consolidation, special election for - HB 125
- consolidation, voting for county name and seat - HB 243
- for certain candidate filings, extending - HB 346
- for certain candidate filings, extension of - HB 347
- for certain candidates filings, changes to - HB 97: FCCR, SCS
- for filing supplemental annual campaign finance report, change to - HB 97: SCS
Early voting, omnibus bill - SB 14
Education, equivalent tax rate levy, restriction on - HB 117
Election costs, reimbursement to county clerks - HB 271
Elections, meeting dates of county board of elections - HB 270; HB 304: HCS
Elections of governing bodies of certain districts - HB 186
Electronic poll books, use of - HB 579
Eligibility to cast ballot, primary and party affiliation, new voter registration - HB 273
Felons' voting rights, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 173
- deadline for candidates seeking public office, changes to - HB 359
- deadline for certain candidates, changes to - HB 381
- Deadline for statement of candidacy form, to conform - HB 97: SFA (1)
- deadline for statement-of-candidacy form, change to - HB 97: FCCR, SCS
- deadline for statement-of-candidacy form, changing - HB 380
Fire protection and volunteer fire department districts, moving to November - SB 25
Instruction in, annual requirement of secondary education programs - SB 265
Kentucky Committee on Legislative Redistricting, establishing - SB 166
- absentee, application not received by voter, vote in-person absentee or on election day - HB 304; HB 304: HCS
- absentee, application request and submission, process for, timeliness - HB 304; HB 304: HCS
- absentee ballot, time for return to vote in person - HB 274
Notification and declaration forms, filing of - HB 566
Persons eligible for, voter preregistration, minimum age of 16 - SB 227
Print and ready ballots, time for, special election, declaration of intent, write-in candidates - HB 304; HB 304: HCS
Property taxes, contesting ad valorem increase, procedural adjustment - HB 272
Restoration of voting rights, constitutional process of granting - SB 266
School board members, selection of - HB 242
Technical corrections - HB 565
- filing of candidacy, time of - HB 381: HCS
- special elections in consolidated local governments, allow reimbursement - HB 98
Voter identification, when photo required - HB 215