Environment and Conservation
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50th Anniversary of the Protest Hike, honoring - SR 157
Auxiliary containers, restrictions placed upon regulation of - SB 82
- shock drowning prevention, marina requirements and penalties for - HB 254
- utilities, vegetation maintenance practices, standards and notice - HB 488
Electricity, renewable sources required - HB 196
Elk zone, disabled hunter postseason elk quota hunt, establishment of - HB 255
Energy and Environment Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 129
- wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency - HB 513: SFA (2)
- wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency, applicability of Chapter 278 - SB 151: SCS
- of current net metering rates, 25 years from initial compensation rate change - HB 227: SCS
- of current net metering rates, successors in interest to eligible customers, extend to - HB 227: HCS (1), HCS (2)
- of current net metering tariffs, successors in interest to eligible customers, extend to - HB 227: HFA (11), HFA (12)
Natural gas pipeline conversion, urging due diligence - SR 254
- metering, cash payments, when required - HB 227: HFA (11), HFA (12)
- metering, compensation rate for eligible customer-generators. - HB 227
- metering, compensation rate for eligible customer-generators - HB 227: HFA (5), HFA (6)
- metering, compensation rate for eligible customer-generators. - HB 227: HFA (7), HFA (8)
- metering, excess customer generation calculated over previous 30 days - HB 227: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- metering fee and rate changes, when applicable - HB 227: HFA (3), HFA (4), HFA (19), HFA (20)
- metering fee, Public Service Commission, administrative case to determine - HB 227: HFA (15), HFA (16), HFA (23), HFA (24), HFA (25), HFA (26)
- metering, netting period, grandfathering - HB 227: HFA (30)
Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves, powers and duties - SB 129: SCS
Oil and gas hearings, notice requirements, appeal procedures - SB 249
Permit exemption, excavation of vein minerals, personal use - HB 261: HCS
- owned small wastewater treatment plants, definitions - HB 513: SCS
- owned small wastewater treatment plants, required surety - HB 513: SCS
RECLAIM Act, Abandoned Mine Land funds, urge Congressional support of - HR 154
Replace Governor Designee with Commissioner of Agriculture or Secretary of EEC - HB 241: HFA (1)
State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS
- Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994 - SB 104; SB 104: SCS
- Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, mandatory membership - SB 117: SCS
- Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, nonmembers' rights to damages - SB 117
Voluntary environmental remediation program, brownfields, requirement for - HB 370
Wastewater, extraterritorial facilities, acquisition of by local agency - SB 151
Wastewater treatment, small privately owned wastewater treatment plants, regulation of - HB 513; HB 513: HCS
- well driller assistants, requirements, certification, fees, requirements for - SB 197: SCS
- well driller's assistants, certification and examination - SB 197