WWW Version
- branch, boards and commissions, appointees to, financial disclosure required from - HB 78
- branch employees, financial disclosure statements, additional - HB 78
- Branch Ethics Commission, employees of, independence of - HB 78
- Branch Ethics Commission, ethics tip line, creation of - HB 78
- Branch Ethics Commission, hearings, KRS Chapter 13B, exemption from - SB 150
- Branch Ethics Commission, members of, appointment and removal of - HB 78
- Branch Ethics Commission omnibus changes to - HB 78
- Branch, KRS Chapter 13B hearing procedures, exemptions - SB 150: SFA (2)
- branch, "officer" and "public servant," clarify definitions of - HB 300: HCS
- branch, "officer" and "public servant," expand definitions of - HB 300
- branch, tax returns financial information, failure to disclose, penalties for - HB 78
- employees, financial disclosure, retirement systems, investments of, fiduciary role in - HB 78
Executive, former public servant, lobbying by, limitation on - HB 78
General Assembly, House of Representatives, Hoover, Representative Jeff, expulsion - HR 10
Kentucky Retirement Systems, violation of fiduciary or ethical duties - SB 113: HFA (3); SB 151: HFA (2); SB 200: HFA (1)
- Ethics Commission, ethics complaint, legislative employee, jurisdiction, limit - HB 9: HFA (1)
- Ethics Commission, staff, political activity, restricting - HB 404
- ethics telephone tip line, establish - HB 9
- financial disclosure form, inclusion in, consulting firm's name - HB 112
- sexual harassment, complaint process - HB 610
- sexual harassment complaints, summary of - HB 610
- sexual harassment, official misconduct - HB 610
Louisville Arena Authority, Executive Branch Code of Ethics - HB 572
Public servants, state contractors, business transactions with, prohibition of - HB 78
Retirement and pensions, violation of fiduciary or ethical duties - HB 551
Task force on sexual harassment, create - HCR 200