Local Government
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- device, construction of at professional sports facilities - HB 384
- devices, urban areas, placement on the sides of buildings - HB 501
Alcoholic beverages, regulatory licensing fees, repealing - HB 159
Annexation of unpopulated territory, standing for contest of - SB 97; SB 97: HCS
- property owners within a territory, standing, grant - HB 82
- property owners within a territory, standing, grant of - HB 87
Auxiliary containers, restrictions placed upon regulation of - SB 82
- audits, span of audit - SB 91: SFA (1)
- clerks, duties, information and submission requirements - HB 310
- retirement and pensions, obligations - SB 88: SFA (1)
City audits and financial statements - SB 91
Clerks, audits, agreed-upon procedures engagement - SB 144
Community-service-related projects, remove certain restrictions from - HB 116
- local governments, clarify powers of cities within - SB 176
- local governments, powers of cities within - HB 89
Constable, constitutional amendment allowing legislative body of county to abolish office of - HB 137
Constables and deputies, clarify powers of, and appointments of deputies - HB 420
Counties containing consolidated local governments, municipal incorporation - SB 115
- occupational license taxes, crediting provisions for certain counties, removal of - HB 358
- occupational license taxes, maximum percentage for certain counties, removal of - HB 358
- clerks, audits, agreed-upon procedures engagement, eligibility - SB 144: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- clerks, real property deeds, full name of grantor or grantee, requirements of - SB 139; SB 139: HCS; HB 266
- Consolidation, direction of - HB 243
- consolidation, process for - HB 125
- Employees Retirement System, employer rates in 2018-2020 biennium set at FY 2017-2018 levels - HB 547
- Employees Retirement System, phase-in to full actuarially required contribution rate - HB 406
- tobacco cessation, establish fund for - SB 29
Elections of governing bodies of certain districts - HB 186
Emergency medical services, update certification and licensure - HB 279
Employment protection for National Guard members, clarification of - HB 291
Entertainment destination center, licensing for - SB 98: SCS
- wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency - HB 513: SFA (2)
- wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency, applicability of Chapter 278 - SB 151: SCS
Fee officers, appointment of branch office deputies, technical correction - HB 469
- departments as defined in KRS 95A.055, financial reporting - HB 122: SFA (1)
- departments created under KRS Chapter 273, administrative and fiscal reports - HB 122
- departments, volunteer, merger, volunteer fire department aid, payments to - HB 95
- districts, trustees, elections, time and signage requirements appurtenant thereto - HB 95: HFA (1)
- districts, alternative tax structure - HB 95: HCS
- districts, board of trustees, alternative constituency - HB 95: HCS
- districts, merger, maximum tax rate - HB 95
Firearms and ammunition, authority to regulate, consolidated local governments - HB 387
Firearms, comprehensive regulation of - HB 502
Firefighters Foundation Program, administrative cost payment relating to supplement - HB 461
Government property, concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, lifting prohibitions on - HB 210
Governmental units, regulation of electronic prescribing, standards, requiring - SB 143
Interlocal agreements, extraterritorial wastewater facilities, acquisition of by local agency - SB 151
Investment of idle funds, certificates of deposit - HB 75: HFA (1)
Investments, limitations on - HB 75
Investments of idle funds - HB 75: HCS, SCS, SFA (4)
- canteen profits, use of for safety and security - HB 92
- pilot programs, quarterly reports, accredited local jail facilities - SB 179
Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program, administrative cost payment relating to supplement - HB 461
Labor organizations, allow agreement with to require membership as a condition of employment - HB 237
- ABC investigators, allowing certification of - SB 124
- firearms ordinances and restrictions by consolidated local governments, urging - HR 68
- government premiums tax, schedule for refunds, establishing - HB 402; HB 402: SFA (2)
- regulatory license fee, alcoholic beverages, prohibition on - HB 82
- Update of Census Addresses program, urging Congress to encourage participation - HCR 9
Mobile command center, local government, use of oscillating lights and sirens - SB 161
Open records, "public agency," definition of, exemption in - HB 232
- and zoning enforcement action, appeal, court costs, attorney fees - HB 322
- and zoning, joint board of adjustment - HB 138
- and firefighter increases, administrative and fringe costs, reimbursements and payments - SB 90; SB 90: SCS; HB 140: HCS, SCS
- officers, requirements for promotion, clarification of - HB 275: SCS
Properties or programs, naming of for state official or employee - HB 151
Property taxes, contesting ad valorem increase, procedural adjustment - HB 272
- employees, state-sponsored life insurance, eligibility for - HB 158
- finance, bonds and leases, publication and methods of notice, conform - SB 191
- housing authorities, membership - HB 223
- notices, Web site publication - HB 478
- playgrounds, accessible and inclusive design - HR 191; SR 290
Quota retail alcohol licenses, local government control over issuance of - SB 110: SFA (2), SFA (5)
- organizations, discrimination, prohibiting - HB 372
- organizations, penalization, prohibiting - HB 372: HCS
Rescue squad members, coverage under workers' compensation - SB 77
- tax, allow home rule class cities to levy for CERS contributions - HB 490
- tax, portion to be used for tourism infrastructure - HB 413
Retired justices and judges, notary public functions - SB 85: HFA (1); HB 262
Sex offender registrants, registration fee for - HB 206
- audits, agreed-upon procedures engagement - SB 144
- audits, agreed-upon procedures engagement, eligibility - SB 144: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- special deputies, appointment of - HB 275; HB 275: HCS
Special purpose governmental entities, review of fee and tax increases by city or county, requiring - SB 25; SB 25: SCS
State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS
Telephone CPR, telecommunicators, training for - SB 142; HB 265; HB 265: HCS
Transient room tax, 30 days or less, limiting - HB 285
TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments, direction to economic development activities - SB 9; HB 114; HB 114: HCS
- Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, mandatory membership - SB 117: SCS
- Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, nonmembers' rights to damages - SB 117
Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, statewide applicability of - HB 550
U.S. Census, participation, encouraging - HCR 168
Volunteer fire departments, allotment from Firefighters Foundation Program fund - HB 461
Wastewater, extraterritorial facilities, acquisition of by local agency - SB 151
Water fluoridation programs, void implementation of, local government action - HB 511
Wills, originals to be returned to circuit clerk. - HB 313