WWW Version
- cancer screening, Department for Medicaid Services, urge compliance with guidelines - SCR 176: SCS
- cancer screening, Department of Medicaid Services, urge compliance with guidelines - SCR 176
Community pharmacy medication-assisted treatment pilot program, establish - HB 246; HB 246: HCS
Department of Medicaid Services, required compliance of - SB 143
- share hospital payments, calculation of, established - HB 289; HB 289: HFA (1)
- share hospital payments, distribution of, established - HB 289; HB 289: HFA (1)
- share hospital survey, require submission of, establish deadline - HB 289
Early periodic screening, diagnostic and treatment, requiring - SB 163
- reviews, multiple claims, administrative hearing, allow for - SB 259
- reviews, multiple claims, allow for - SB 259
Incentive program, comparable health care service, requiring - SB 154
Interactive mechanism, price transparency, establishing - SB 154
Kentucky Office of Health Benefit Exchange, create - SB 132
- care networks, credentialing, network adequacy, appeals - HB 69; HB 69: HCS, HFA (1), SCS, SFA (1)
- care organizations, required to provide paid claims list to hospitals, penalty established - HB 289
Medicaid service improvements and MCO limitations, establish - SB 53
Medically fragile individuals with neurological behavioral disorders, service expansions for - SB 251
Nonparticipating providers, nonemergency services, coverage for - SB 154
Outpatient pharmacy benefits, direct administration by Department for Medicaid Services - SB 5; SB 5: SCS, SFA (1)
Pharmacy benefit managers, transparency requirements for - SB 5: HCA (1), HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2), SCS, SFA (1)
- assistance eligibility, enhanced data tracking for - HB 363; HB 363: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- assistance, substance abuse screening - HB 35
- cessation treatment and programs, eliminate from coverage - SB 96
- cessation treatment and programs, eliminate from scope of care - SB 96: HCS, SCS
State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS
Substance abuse, coverage - HB 428: HFA (1)
Technical Advisory Committee on Consumer Rights and Client Needs, elimination - SB 96
Telehealth, coverage of - HB 12; SB 112; SB 112: HFA (1), HFA (2), SCS, SFA (1), SFA (2)
Tobacco-related illness reimbursement, establish fund for - SB 29