Motor Vehicles
WWW Version
- on roadway, not to ride more than two abreast unless road is marked exclusively for bicycle - HB 33: SCS
- overtaken on roadway, distance to maintain - HB 33
Break the Silence special license plate, establishment of - HB 123
Commission on Motor Vehicle Registration and Fee Modernization, establish - SB 127
Damage, civil immunity, removal of dog or cat - SB 8
Department of Parks, voluntary contributions with vehicle registration, collection - HB 331
Disabled parking placards, requirements for - HB 81; HB 81: HCS
Disruption of motor fuel supply, waivers from ASTM specifications, issuance - HB 241
- privileges, persons under 18, suspension of for points assessed - SB 120
- under the influence, third or subsequent offense, forfeiture of vehicle - HB 612
- while operator's permit suspended for driving under the influence, forfeiture of vehicle - HB 545
- Read to Read special license plate, establishment, removal - HB 367: SFA (2)
- Ready to Read special license plate, establishment of - SB 271; HB 367
First time motor vehicle registration, paperwork, filing of - HB 344
Headphones, use of while operating, prohibition - HB 392
Hybrid and electric vehicles, highway usage fee - HB 45; HB 609
Ignition interlocks, use of - SB 255
Inspections, allow dealer to serve as inspectors on a limited basis - HB 468
Limited access highway, left lane restriction - HB 113
Mileage-Based Transportation Funding Task Force, creation of - HCR 18
Mileage-based vehicle fee, Mileage-Based Transportation Funding Task Force, development of - HCR 18
Military-related special license plates, allow online renewal of - HB 111
Motor fuels, price verification, ASTM standards and waivers, annual fees for - HB 241: HCS
Motorcycle safety education - SB 122
- license, Armed Services members, exemption, gender-neutral language - SB 221; SB 222
- license, vision testing upon renewal - HB 605
- licenses and instruction permits, notification of expiration - SB 26; HB 558
- licenses, released federal prisoners - SB 37; SB 37: SCS
- licenses, work release prisoners - SB 37; SB 37: SCS
- communication device, use by driver in accident scenes - HB 149
- communication device, use by driver, increase in penalties - HB 516
- license plates, change renewal schedule - HB 530
- license plates, change renewal schedule, prorated fees for 2019 - HB 530: HFA (1)
Registration, renewal, and reinstatement, set county clerk fees - SB 127
- minimum insurance, raising the amount of - HB 504
- security, basic reparation benefits, provider, definition of - SB 121; SB 121: SFA (1), SFA (2), SFA (3), SFA (4), SFA (5)
- security, basic reparation benefits, reasonably needed medical expenses, requirements for - SB 121; SB 121: SFA (1), SFA (2), SFA (3), SFA (4), SFA (5)
Seat belt usage, technical corrections - SB 208; HB 405; HB 495; HB 496; HB 560; HB 562; HB 607; HB 608
Title and registration fees, driver license reinstatement fees, various other fees, increases in - HB 609
Titling requirements, technical corrections - SB 208
Titling requirements, technical corrections. - HB 405; HB 495; HB 496; HB 560; HB 562; HB 607
Titling requirements, technical corrections - HB 608
Traffic offenses, non-DUI, reclassification of penalty for - HB 396
Vehicle titles, notice required to obtain new title - SB 139: HCS