Public Officers and Employees
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Administrative hearings, burden of proof, when higher standard required - SB 150: SFA (1)
Bus drivers, urging consideration of shortage in pension reform legislation - HR 231
Campaign finance reports, supplement annual, date due of - HB 97
Circuit Court clerks, distribution of duties under directed county consolidation - HB 243
Constitutional officers, Executive Branch Ethics Commission, appointments to - HB 78
- Clerks, audits, agreed-upon procedures engagement - SB 144
- clerks, real property deeds, full name of grantor or grantee, requirements of - SB 139; SB 139: HCS; HB 266
- consolidation, county officers, duties - HB 243
- Employees Retirement System, phase-in to full actuarially required contribution rate - HB 406
Definitions, add gender-neutral language - HB 615
Director of the Legislative Research Commission, employee sexual harassment policy, establishment of - HB 449
- of statewide constitutional officers, change time to even-numbered years - HB 23
- of statewide constitutional officers, change to even-numbered years - SB 4
- of statewide constitutional officers, change to even-numbered years, begin 2022 - HB 23: HFA (1)
Executive Branch Ethics Commission, KRS Chapter 13B hearing procedures, exemptions - SB 150: SFA (2)
General Assembly, House of Representatives, Hoover, Representative Jeff, expulsion - HR 10
- Executive Branch Ethics Commission, KRS Chapter 13B, exemption from - SB 150
- Personnel Board, KRS Chapter 13B, exemption from - SB 131
Immigration laws, enforcement, requirement for - HB 240
- 911 Services Board and advisory council membership, appointment method of - HB 424: HFA (1)
- 911 Services Board, membership on - HB 361; HB 424; HB 424: HCS
- Retirement Systems, employer rates in 2018-2020 biennium set at FY 2017-2018 levels - HB 547
- Retirement Systems, violation of fiduciary or ethical duties - SB 113: HFA (3); SB 151: HFA (2); SB 200: HFA (1)
Legislative ethics, sexual harassment, complaint process - HB 610
- election to discontinue or not participate in LRP or KERS for service - HB 48
- election to discontinue or not participate in LRP or KERS for service to GA - SB 27
Legislators' Retirement Plan, close to future members and future service accruals - SB 28; HB 65; HB 335
- ABC investigators, allowing certification of - SB 124
- firearms ordinances and restrictions, exemptions from restrictions - HB 189
Personnel Board, hearing officer requirements, exemption - SB 131: SFA (1)
Planning and zoning, joint board of adjustment, members of - HB 138
Police officers, requirements for promotion, clarification of - HB 275: SCS
- assets and programs, naming, restrictions on - HB 86
- employees, state-sponsored life insurance, eligibility for - HB 158
- housing authorities, membership - HB 223
- Protection Cabinet, reorganization of, Executive Order 2017-747 - HB 264
- servants and other persons, orders to stand down to police officers prohibited - HB 53
Reemployment after retirement, restrictions on city elected officials - SB 113; SB 113: HCS, HFA (11), HFA (12)
Religious organizations, discrimination, prohibiting - HB 372
Repeal, SB 151 (2018 Ky. Acts ch. 107) - HB 6: SFA (10), SFA (11); HB 75: SFA (4); SB 113: HFA (11), HFA (12); HB 306: SFA (2), SFA (3); HB 356: SFA (1); HB 402: SFA (2); HB 557: SFA (1)
- adjustment of line-of-duty death benefits - HB 32
- agency participation and employer contributions - SB 66: SCS; HB 362: SCS
- and pensions, retirement benefits for legislators after January 1, 2019, elimination of - HB 440
- and pensions, violation of fiduciary or ethical duties - HB 551
- commitment to maintaining public pension benefits - HCR 187
- refund of erroneous KRS contributions to include interest at actuarial rate - SB 81
Sanctuary cities, torts by illegal aliens during felony, vicarious liability - HB 240
- audits, agreed-upon procedures engagement - SB 144
- special deputies, appointment of - HB 275; HB 275: HCS
- employee sexual harassment policy, establishment of - HB 449
- internal mobility program, full-time positions open to full and part-time employees - SB 34
- merit system and Personnel Board, elimination of - HB 553
- property and programs, naming for employees of postsecondary education system, restrictions on - SB 72: SCS (1)
- property and programs, naming for state official or employee, restrictions on - SB 72; SB 72: SCS (2)
- property and programs, waiting period for naming for state official or employee - HB 151
- retirement systems, pension reform - SB 1; SB 1: SCS; SB 151: HCS
- retirement systems, pension reform, optional 401(a) DC - SB 1: SFA (4)
- retirement systems, pension reform, restore 1.5% COLA for teachers - SB 1: SFA (1)
- retirement systems, pension reform, retain inviolable contract after July 1, 2018 - SB 1: SFA (3)
- retirement systems, retain 4% guaranteed return for cash balance plan - SB 1: SFA (5)
State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS
Time, rule for computing, state agencies to comply with - HB 256
- service, relatives of legislators or cabinet secretaries, hiring of, prohibition on - HB 78
- state employees, salary, limiting - HB 341
- state employees, total number of, limiting - HB 341
Wage discrimination, on basis of sex, race, or national origin, prohibiting - HB 303