Wages and Hours
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Amusement and recreational employees, exempt from wages and hours consistent with federal law - SB 35
Baseball players, exemption relating to wages and hours - SB 35: HFA (1), HFA (2)
Compensatory time, allow for State Police - HB 476
Conform with federal law - HB 184
Earned paid sick leave provided by employers, requirement for - HB 182
Employers with only one employee, restriction on discussion of wage, prohibiting - SB 99
Exemption, minor league baseball players - SB 35: HFA (3), HFA (4)
Local governments, minimum wage, option to establish - HB 393
Overtime exemption for minor league baseball players - SB 35: HFA (5), HFA (6)
Paid maternity leave for employees, employers with fifty or more employees - HB 197
Performance bond for construction and severance of minerals, repealing - HB 382
Prevailing wage, create for public works - HB 233
Sex, race, or national origin, wage discrimination, prohibiting - HB 303
- employees, pay equity statistics, Secretary of Personnel to provide - HB 297
- minimum wage, increase - SB 17
- minimum wage, increasing - HB 303
Unlawful employment practice, inquire about previous salary - HB 374
Wrongful discharge, collection of lost wages - HB 518