Public Assistance


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Community based services - HB 380: HFA (1)
Dentures, dental and oral health, designate funds for - HB 377
Housing Corporation, reporting requirements - HB 338: HCA (1)
Identification card for homeless, provide for - HB 162
Illegal aliens, services, cost of - HCR 5
KinCare Support Program, creation of - HB 45; HB 45: SCS, SFA (1)
LIHEAP appropriation, Increase to $15 million - HB 283: SFA (1)
$5 million in current year funding for heating assistance - HB 283
appropriation of Natural Gas Severance Tax Receipts for - HB 283: SCS
Medicaid, fraud in application - HB 720
Medical and education consent affidavit, combination of the execution of - HB 45: HCS
Physicians Care Program for the uninsured, creation of - SB 180; SB 180: SCS, HFA (1)
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