Bottled water, labeling source of - HB 120
Emergency Action Plans for impoundments, promulgate administrative regulations for - HJR 193
Fire hydrants, water districts not to charge for installation and maintenance of - HB 674
Infrastructure for Economic Development Fund non coal, reduce number of projects - HB 380: HFA (13)
 Infrastructure Authority, addition of three members - HB 623: HFA (1)
 Infrastructure Authority, authorization for programs under - HB 623: SCS
Mine water discharge by CONSOL, Energy, protect Kentucky waters from effects of - SR 326
On-site sewer systems, approval process revised - HB 573: SCS
Pollution Abatement and Water Resources Finance Authority, abolished - HB 623; SB 134: HCS
Potable water transmission line costs, recovery of - HB 649: HCS
 and requirements for on-site sewage systems installation and permitting, make changes to - HB 573
 and requirements for on-site sewage systems, make changes to - HB 573: HCS (1),(2)
Sanitation districts, storm water and sanitary runoff, authority to control for - HB 661
 district construction and improvements, repeal certain bid procedure requirements for - SB 226
 quality report, to be submitted to legislature, local governments, and citizens - HR 155
 Resource Development Commission, abolished - HB 623; SB 134: HCS
 transmission lines, investment in, cost of recovery of - HB 649; HB 649: HFA (1),(2)
 well certification board, changes to requirements of members - HB 383
 well drillers, civil penalties for certification non-compliance, make changes to - HB 383: HCS
 well drillers, monetary penalty for certif. non-compliance, assessed once per each occurrence - HB 383: HFA (1)
Watershed-based planning councils, creation of - HB 746