Adapted motor vehicles, license dealers of - HB 389
Alzheimer's disease, direct study of service delivery for - HJR 13
Alzheimer's, direct the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to assess - SJR 6
Assault on the elderly, penalty enhancement - HB 77
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, initiatives for - HR 49
Continuing care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, removal of - HB 282; HB 282: SCS, HCS
COPD initiatives and disease management for - SR 14
Department for Aging and Independent Living, creation of - SB 79
Diabetes prevention, control, and treatment of - HB 337: SCS
Diabetes, prevention, control, and treatment of - HB 406
I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative agreement with - HB 256
 Farmers Market Nutrition Program, creation of - SB 25
 Golden alert system, establish for missing impaired adult - HB 142
 care facilities, inspections, posting requirements for - SB 70
 care facilities, nurse staffing requirements, establishment of - HB 290
 care facilities, training, policies and services for dementia - HB 141
 care partnership insurance program, establishment - HB 126
Medicare prescription drug benefit, improvements in - HR 125
Nutrition program, place under Agriculture Department, require reporting - SB 25: SCS
Office of Inspector General, licensure inspections, provide results to news media - HB 463
 drug importation from foreign countries, FDA, certification of safety prior to - HB 252: HFA (1)
 drug importation from foreign countries, provisions for - HB 252
 Center, Campbell County, honoring - HR 193
 Games, encourage participation and funding for - SR 231
Universal health care, urge Congress to support policies to provide - HCR 6