Abortion, no right created - HB 251
Black History Month, recognizing February as - SR 113
![](dot.gif) charges to exclude the expression of specific opinions - HB 64: HFA (1)
![](dot.gif) treatment of beliefs regarding homosexuality - HB 64: HFA (2)
Death Penalty, abolition of - HB 200
Eligibility requirements for restoration of voting rights for felons, establishment of - HB 67: HFA (1)
![](dot.gif) Clause, civil actions relating to - HB 19
![](dot.gif) Clause, claims relating to - HR 4
![](dot.gif) desecration likely to produce breach of peace, prohibit - HB 28
![](dot.gif) of the United States, display of - HB 13
Funerals, prohibited activities - HB 280: HFA (1)
Interference with a funeral, elements of offense - HB 343
National identification card, urge Congress to repeal - SCR 111
Parks and recreation, repeal section relating to colored and white park systems - HB 115
Restoration of civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 15
Restoration, eligible felony offenders - HB 67; SB 42: SFA (2),(3)
State contractors, equal employment opportunity requirements for - HB 181; HB 181: HCS; HB 334: SCA (1)
![](dot.gif) conduct, set Golden Rule as rule for - HB 64: HFA (3)
![](dot.gif) harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from - HB 64
Voting rights, wards and guardians - HB 374