06 HB 380, state/executive branch budget bill, amendments to - HB 327
Amtrak service, promote use of - HCR 18; HCR 18: HFA (1)
Barren River Lake, urge Corps of Engineers to increase depth of - HCR 139
Billboards, establish vegetation control permit - SB 155
Civil War Commission, establishment of - SB 197: SCS
Farmstays focus on agritourism - SB 37
![](dot.gif) Barkley, correct reference to Congressional resolution - HCR 12: HCS
![](dot.gif) Barkley, extend tourist season for - HCR 12
Reduce advertising device viewing zone - SB 155: HFA (1),(2)
Reorganization, Department of Parks, Executive Order 2006-1505 - SB 56
Slavery Commission, establishment of - SB 197: HFA (1)
State shrine, Governor William Owsley's house named as - HB 467
Tax credits, reporting requirements for - HB 159
Tourism Development Act, extension of the term of agreement - HB 347
![](dot.gif) room tax, delete language that permits use to support a project in a development area - HB 549: HFA (4)
![](dot.gif) room tax, permit additional levy within a development area to support a project - HB 549: HFA (3)