Technical Corrections
WWW Version
Automobile insurance law, automobiles owned by state employees - SB 243
Certain candidates for office, nomination papers, Certificate of Good Standing, requiring - HB 446
Conform statute to definition section - HB 531; HB 532
Dealer's records - SB 63
Definitions, add gender-neutral language - HB 615
Department of Revenue - SB 61; SB 64
Elections and voting - HB 565
Elections, filing - HB 566
- language, addition of - HB 524
- language, insert - SB 155; SB 156; SB 157; SB 158; SB 159; SB 214; HB 598; HB 603
- language, inserting - HB 592; HB 593; HB 594; HB 596; HB 597
- language, make technical correction - HB 614
- language, pronoun addition - HB 311
- 161 - HB 161: SCS
- 169 - HB 169: SCS
- 1/HCS 1 - HB 1: HFA (3)
- 207 - HB 207: HFA (1)
- 304 - HB 304: HCS, HFA (1)
- 305 - HB 305: SCS
- 305/HCS 1 - HB 305: HCS
- 327 - HB 327: SCS
- 427 - HB 427: SCS
- 463 - HB 463: HCS
- 575 - HB 575: HCS
- 6 - HB 6: HFA (2)
- 96 - HB 96: HCS
HB55 - HB 55: HFA (3)
HCR 34 - HCR 34: HCS
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, technical correction - HB 292
Licensing of pharmacists, funeral directors, respiratory care practioners - HB 578
Operator's license, gender-neutral language - SB 221; SB 222
- 113 - SB 113: HFA (1)
- 132 - SB 132: HCS
- 137 SCS - SB 137: SCS
- 154/SCS 1 - SB 154: SFA (1)
- 249 - SB 249: SCA (1)
- 48 - SB 48: SFA (1)
- 96 - SB 96: HCS
- 97 - SB 97: HCS
Seat belt law, correction for gender-neutral references - SB 208; HB 405; HB 495; HB 496; HB 560; HB 562; HB 607; HB 608
Self-insured groups, reference to executive director replaced with commissioner - SB 246