WWW Version
Adkins, Jack, inclusion, Country Music Highway - SJR 240
- device, construction of at professional sports facilities - HB 384
- devices, urban areas, placement on the sides of buildings - HB 501
All-terrain vehicle, operation of - SB 182
Animal feed, ten percent weight tolerance of - HB 153: FCCR
- helmet requirements, no fines for violation - HB 52: HFA (1)
- helmets, requirement for children under 12 - HB 52
- use, Transportation Cabinet, authority to regulate on bridge sidewalks - HB 421
- on roadway, not to ride more than two abreast unless road is marked exclusively for bicycle - HB 33: SCS
- overtaken on roadway, distance to maintain - HB 33
Biennial Highway Construction Plan, FY 2018-2020 - HB 202; HB 202: HCS, SCS
Branch budget recommendations, technical correction - HB 173
Brashear, Master Chief Petty Officer Carl M., memorial bridge designation, Hardin Co. - HJR 50
Break the Silence special license plate, establishment of - HB 123
Breiner, Nancy, Jessamine County Memorial Highway Designation - SJR 92
Caldwell, Cpl. Edward, memorial highway designation, Leslie County - HJR 14
Canadatown Road, Whitley County, signs designating - HJR 104
CDL, remove reference to color photograph requirement - HB 277
- testing, procedures and fees for retesting - HB 606
- testing, procedures and fees for retesting, medical excuse for missed test - HB 606: HFA (1), HFA (2)
CDLIS driving record, prohibit masking of driver violations from appearing on - HB 277
Cheek, Howard, Nelson County memorial bridge designation - HJR 130
- Victim's Trust Fund, license plates - HB 366; HB 366: SCS
- Victim's Trust Fund, license plates for - HB 366: FCCR
Clay, Clarence "Soc", 1984 Poet Laureate, signs honoring - HJR 145
Commercial driver's license, human trafficking identification training and wallet card - HB 152
Commission on Motor Vehicle Registration and Fee Modernization, establish - SB 127
Country Music Highway, Justice, Charlie, inclusion and signs - SJR 16
Disabled parking placards, requirements for - HB 81; HB 81: HCS
Driver training school, interactions with law enforcement, course of instruction to include - HB 104
Driver's manual, Kentucky State Police to make available - SB 41; HB 104
- privileges, persons under 18, suspension of for points assessed - SB 120
- skills test, waiver for military, include reservists and National Guard members - HB 277: HCS
- skills test, waiver for military, within one year of separation of service - HB 277
- Read to Read special license plate, establishment, removal - HB 367: SFA (2)
- Ready to Read special license plate, establishment of - SB 271; HB 367
- exemption radius, transportation of agricultural commodities, urging extension of - HCR 180
- exemption, transportation of agricultural commodities, urge expansion of, equine shows - SR 140
First time motor vehicle registration, paperwork, filing of - HB 344
Freeways, change road names from parkways to - SB 136
Governor or designee, waiver of ASTM specifications, motor fuels, ability to issue - HB 241
Hal Rogers Parkway, study of widening - HJR 85
Highway funding, omnibus revisions - HB 609
Historical monuments, preservation of with no interference with public system - HB 54
Honorary road naming, omnibus resolution - HJR 196: HCS, SCS
Hybrid and electric vehicles, highway usage fee - HB 45
- establish 10-year look back time - HB 277
- proposed 10-year look back time, elimination - HB 277: HCS
Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, confirmation, Jordan Lanham - SR 269
- Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, confirmation, William M. Boggs - SR 270
- Transportation Infrastructure Authority, confirmation, Richard Crist - SR 271
Limited access highway, left lane restriction - HB 113
Lynn Camp HS Cheer Team, 2018 All "A" State Champions, placing of signage honoring - HJR 124
Matney, Molly, 2017 Miss Kentucky, signs honoring - HJR 22
Mileage-Based Transportation Funding Task Force, creation of - HCR 18
Mileage-based vehicle fee, Mileage-Based Transportation Funding Task Force, development of - HCR 18
Military-related special license plates, allow online renewal of - HB 111
- carrier, failure to file, establish $500 fee for - HB 277
- vehicle inspections, allow dealers to serve as inspectors on a limited basis - HB 468
- vehicle insurance, required minimum, raising - HB 504
- vehicle registration, renewal, and reinstatement, set county clerk fees - SB 127
- education programs, allow up to 10% defrayment of costs to cabinet for implementation of - SB 122
- Safety Education Commission, update list and report requirements - SB 122
- safety education instructors, remove language prohibiting felons - SB 122
Mullins, Julius, honorary bridge designation, Floyd County - SJR 5
Natcher Parkway, rename as expressway upon designation as I-65 spur - HJR 146
Nelson, Jeremy, naming a road in Campbell County in memory of - HJR 20
Of animal feed, ten percent weight tolerance - HB 153
- license, Armed Services members, exemption, gender-neutral language - SB 221; SB 222
- license testing, interactions with law enforcement, driver's manual to include - SB 41; HB 104
- license testing, interactions with law enforcement, exam to include - SB 41; HB 104
- license, vision testing upon renewal - HB 605
- metal hauling permits, expanded definition of metal commodities - HB 221
- permits, livestock and poultry feed - HB 153: SFA (1), SFA (2)
- communication device, use by driver in accident scenes - HB 149
- communication device, use by driver, increase in penalties - HB 516
- license plates, change renewal schedule - HB 530
- license plates, change renewal schedule, prorated fees for 2019 - HB 530: HFA (1)
PFC Edmond Osborne Highway, designate in Leslie County - HJR 15
Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, confirmation, Rebecca Swansburg - SR 272
Rural secondary roads, earmarked portion of gas tax - HB 609: HFA (1)
- Bus Driver Day, designatiing May 1 as - SB 12
- Bus Driver Day, designating May 1 as - HJR 19; HB 21
- Bus Drivers, urge state to meet its pension obligations - HB 21: HFA (1)
- transportation funding fee, impose on the sale of fuel - HB 211
Six year road plan, last four years of - HJR 74; HJR 74: HCS, SCS
Smith, Elaine "Bae Bae" Avanell, 2017 Young Miss Kentucky MKTA, signs honoring - HJR 86
- traffic school, interactions with law enforcement, course of instruction to include - SB 41
- traffic school, interactions with law enforcement, course of instruction to include - HB 104
Train crews, two-person requirement, penalties for violation - HB 24
- Cabinet Budget - HB 201; HB 201: HCS, SCS
- Cabinet, design/build projects, cost limitation, increase of - HB 385: HCS
- Cabinet, design/build projects, increase cost limitation - HB 385
- Cabinet, design/build projects, increase project number limitation - HB 385
- Cabinet, design/build projects, project number limitation, increase of - HB 385: HCS
- Cabinet, operator's licenses and permits, ID cards, notification of expiration - SB 26; HB 558
- of commodities and supplies, hours-of-service exemption - HB 133
Truck platooning, procedures for - SB 116; SB 116: SFA (1)
Veal Sr., Harlan H, Jessamine County memorial road designation - SJR 90
Veterans Memorial Bridge, designate in Perry County - HJR 167