WWW Version
- 24 hour information period, elimination of - HB 235
- constitutional amendment, no right created - HB 473
- prohibition of - SB 164
Adoption, relative caregiver, rights of indigent parents - SB 256
- mothers, abused or neglected child finding - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, HFA (1), SCS, SFA (2)
- mothers, abused or neglected child finding for - HB 1: HFA (3)
Celebrating Women in Public Office Day, March 19, 2018 - HR 254; SR 268
- professional midwife, certification and administrative regulations for - SB 134: SFA (1)
- professional midwife, certification and regulations for - SB 134; SB 134: SCS
Cesarean delivery, need to lower rate of - SCR 215
De facto custodian rights process, updated - HB 1: HFA (2)
- pregnancy and related conditions, prohibited discrimination, required accommodations - SB 38
- pregnancy and related conditions, prohibiting discrimination - HB 320
Health insurance coverage for hormonal contraceptive, twelve-month supply, dispensing of - HB 249
Hepatitis C, pregnant woman screening, requiring - SB 250
Infertility treatment, insurance coverage, requirement of - HB 493
Inmates, requirements for - SB 133; SB 133: SCS
Maternal fatality review team, establish - HB 167: SCS
Paid maternity leave for employees, employers with fifty or more employees - HB 197
Pregnancy help centers, honoring - HCR 152; SCR 154
- prisoners and inmates, release of - SB 133: SFA (5)
- prisoners, release of - SB 133: SFA (4)
- woman screening, requiring - HB 364; HB 364: HFA (1)
Sales and use tax, feminine hygiene products, diapers, wipes, bottles, breast pumps - HB 236
- Harassment Awareness Month, designating March - HR 213
- orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 190
- orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination - HB 195
State employees, pay equity statistics, Secretary of Personnel to provide - HB 297
Women's History Month, March 2018 - HR 276