Reproductive Issues

Abortion, certain prohibitions, removal

Abortion, lethal fetal anomaly, prohibition exception

Abortion prohibition, lethal fetal abnormality, exception

Abortion prohibition, pregnancy result of rape or incest, exception

Abortion, rape or incest, pregnancy, prohibition exception

Abortion, unborn child incompatible with like outside the womb, prohibition exception

Assisted reproduction, liability protection

Assisted reproductive technology, access, protection

Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need

Contraceptive coverage

Counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage requirement

Decisional rights, establishment

Feminine hygiene products, elementary and secondary students, provision

Feminine hygiene products, public school provision, permit

Health care provider, in vitro fertilization, liability protection

Health insurance, maternity care coverage, requirement

Health insurance, special enrollment period, pregnant women, requirement

Homeless shelters, reproductive products, provision

Hormonal contraceptives prescriptions

Individual income tax, child and dependent care tax credit, refundable

Maternity care, coverage requirement

Menstrual period, public school instruction, permit

Perinatal palliative care, pregnant women

Postpartum Depression Awareness Week, May 5 to 11, 2024

Postpartum mood disorders, prescription drugs, coverage requirement

Pregnancy, health insurance, special enrollment period

Pregnancy, rape or incest, termination, authorization

Pregnancy termination, fatal fetal anomaly

Protections, health care, establishment

Rebuttable presumption, physician compliance, establishment

Sales and use tax, baby-related products, diapers, and feminine hygiene products, exemption

Sales and use tax, menstrual discharge collection devices, exemption

Sales and use tax, postnatal supplies, exemption

Unborn child, definition, exclusion

Victim of sexual assault, resultant pregnancy, benefits provision

Last updated: 7/10/2024 7:22 AM (EDT)