Daily Legislative Calendar
Thursday, March 6, 2025
8:00 am, Annex Room 129
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS SB 3 - AN ACT relating to student-athletes and declaring an emergency.
• 25RS SB 15 - AN ACT relating to minimum wage exceptions.
• 25RS SB 103 - AN ACT relating to the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.
• 25RS SB 201 - AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
Rep. Josh Branscum (Chair), Rep. Thomas Huff, Rep. Adam Bowling, Rep. Josh Calloway, Rep. Robert Duvall, Rep. Daniel Elliott , Rep. Al Gentry, Rep. Peyton Griffee, Rep. Vanessa Grossl, Rep. Kevin Jackson, Rep. Kim King, Rep. Nima Kulkarni, Rep. William Lawrence, Rep. Matthew Lehman, Rep. Matt Lockett, Rep. J.T. Payne, Rep. Scott Sharp, Rep. Ashley Tackett Laferty, Rep. Timmy Truett8:30 am, Annex Room 131
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HB 131 - AN ACT relating to firefighters' work schedules.
• 25RS HB 136 - AN ACT relating to corrections data reporting.
Sen. Matthew Deneen (Chair), Sen. Aaron Reed, Sen. Karen Berg, Sen. Gary Boswell, Sen. Jimmy Higdon, Sen. Matt Nunn, Sen. Craig Richardson, Sen. Brandon Smith, Sen. Lindsey Tichenor, Sen. Mike Wilson, Sen. David Yates9:00 am, Annex Room 154
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HB 640 - AN ACT relating to invasive plant species.
• 25RS HB 641 - AN ACT relating to coal combustion by-products.
• 25RS HB 790 - AN ACT relating to solar merchant electric generating facilities.
Rep. Jim Gooch (Chair), Rep. Jared Bauman, Rep. Richard White, Rep. Shane Baker, Rep. John Blanton, Rep. Adam Bowling, Rep. Randy Bridges, Rep. Beverly Chester-Burton, Rep. Myron Dossett, Rep. Patrick Flannery, Rep. Chris Fugate, Rep. Erika Hancock, Rep. DJ Johnson, Rep. Bobby McCool, Rep. Suzanne Miles, Rep. Adam Moore, Rep. Tom Smith, Rep. Joshua Watkins, Rep. Bill Wesley, Rep. Mitch Whitaker, Rep. Wade Williams9:00 am, Annex Room 171
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HB 508 - AN ACT relating to the Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program.
Rep. Samara Heavrin (Chair), Rep. Nick Wilson, Rep. Tina Bojanowski, Rep. Emily Callaway, Rep. Mike Clines, Rep. Stephanie Dietz, Rep. Steven Doan, Rep. Robert Duvall, Rep. Daniel Elliott , Rep. Kim Holloway, Rep. Kimberly Poore Moser, Rep. Michael Sarge Pollock, Rep. Felicia Rabourn, Rep. Steve Riley, Rep. Rachel Roarx, Rep. Sarah Stalker9:00 am, Annex Room 149
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS SB 75 - AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
• 25RS SCR 89 - A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the establishment of the Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Task Force.
• 25RS HB 38 - AN ACT relating to orders of protection.
• 25RS HB 201 - AN ACT relating to theft by failure to make required disposition of property.
Sen. Brandon J. Storm (Chair), Sen. Phillip Wheeler, Sen. Danny Carroll, Sen. Matthew Deneen, Sen. Gerald A. Neal, Sen. Michael J. Nemes, Sen. Aaron Reed, Sen. Robert Stivers, Sen. Reginald L. Thomas10:00 am, Annex Room 131
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HCR 67 - A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the establishment of the Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Task Force.
• 25RS SB 126/LM - AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 77 and 240 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to limiting the Governor's ability to grant pardons and commute sentences.
Rep. DJ Johnson (Chair), Rep. John Hodgson, Rep. Shane Baker, Rep. Ryan Bivens, Rep. Josh Branscum, Rep. Josh Calloway, Rep. Beverly Chester-Burton, Rep. Jennifer Decker, Rep. Jim Gooch, Rep. Erika Hancock, Rep. Mary Beth Imes, Rep. Matthew Koch, Rep. Scott Lewis, Rep. Matt Lockett, Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, Rep. T.J. Roberts10:00 am, Annex Room 169
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS SB 245 - AN ACT relating to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission and declaring an emergency.
Rep. Kim King (Chair), Rep. Susan Witten, Rep. Shane Baker, Rep. Beverly Chester-Burton, Rep. Ryan Dotson, Rep. Chris Fugate, Rep. Deanna Gordon, Rep. William Lawrence, Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, Rep. Shawn McPherson, Rep. Adam Moore, Rep. Michael Sarge Pollock, Rep. Ashley Tackett Laferty, Rep. Aaron Thompson, Rep. Timmy Truett, Rep. Bill Wesley, Rep. Mitch Whitaker, Rep. Richard White, Rep. Nick Wilson10:00 am, Annex Room 154
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HB 132 - AN ACT relating to home and hospital instruction.
• 25RS HB 193 - AN ACT relating to dual credit scholarships.
• 25RS HB 241 - AN ACT relating to school district calendars and declaring an emergency.
• 25RS HB 251 - AN ACT relating to the evaluation of educator preparation programs.
• 25RS HB 263 - AN ACT relating to teacher scholarships.
Sen. Stephen West (Chair), Sen. Lindsey Tichenor, Sen. Danny Carroll, Sen. David P. Givens, Sen. Jimmy Higdon, Sen. Stephen Meredith, Sen. Gerald A. Neal, Sen. Steve Rawlings, Sen. Aaron Reed, Sen. Reginald L. Thomas, Sen. Gex Williams, Sen. Mike Wilson, Sen. Max Wise11:00 am, Annex Room 169
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HB 19 - AN ACT relating to privacy protection.
• 25RS HB 54 - AN ACT relating to building trade professions.
• 25RS HB 313 - AN ACT relating to dates of recognition.
• 25RS HB 473 - AN ACT relating to consumer data privacy.
• 25RS HB 196 - AN ACT relating to coal mining.
Sen. Phillip Wheeler (Chair), Sen. Shelley Funke Frommeyer, Sen. Gary Boswell, Sen. Rick Girdler, Sen. Jason Howell, Sen. Scott Madon, Sen. Matt Nunn, Sen. Reginald L. Thomas, Sen. Mike Wilson, Sen. Max Wise, Sen. David Yates12:00 Noon, Annex Room 149
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HB 61 - AN ACT relating to Medicaid-covered nonemergency medical transportation.
• 25RS HB 785 - AN ACT relating to the Medicaid program.
• 25RS HB 788 - AN ACT relating to buprenorphine products.
Bills for Discussion Only
• 25RS HB 685 - AN ACT relating to the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
• 25RS SB 14 - AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Rep. Kimberly Poore Moser (Chair), Rep. Robert Duvall, Rep. Steve Bratcher, Rep. Josh Bray, Rep. Lindsey Burke, Rep. Emily Callaway, Rep. Adrielle Camuel, Rep. Ryan Dotson, Rep. Ken Fleming, Rep. Deanna Gordon, Rep. Kim Holloway, Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, Rep. Amy Neighbors, Rep. Marianne Proctor, Rep. Felicia Rabourn, Rep. Rebecca Raymer, Rep. Steve Riley, Rep. Scott Sharp, Rep. Lisa Willner12:00 Noon, Annex Room 154
Bills for Consideration
• 25RS HB 491/AA - AN ACT relating to state government.
• 25RS HB 738/FN/AA - AN ACT relating to state personnel.
• 25RS HCR 50 - A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force.
• 25RS SB 19 - AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
Rep. David Hale (Chair), Rep. Rebecca Raymer, Rep. Jennifer Decker, Rep. Anne Gay Donworth, Rep. Peyton Griffee, Rep. Erika Hancock, Rep. John Hodgson, Rep. Thomas Huff, Rep. Mary Beth Imes, Rep. DJ Johnson, Rep. Matthew Lehman, Rep. Chris Lewis, Rep. Savannah Maddox, Rep. Marianne Proctor, Rep. Nancy Tate, Rep. Aaron Thompson, Rep. James Tipton, Rep. Joshua Watkins, Rep. Wade Williams, Rep. Susan Witten2:00 pm, House Chambers
House Convenes
2:00 pm, Senate Chambers
Senate Convenes