House Bill 394

Last Action 01/29/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT proposing to amend the Constitution of Kentucky relating to redistricting.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statement Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 116
Sponsors L. Burke, C. Aull, G. Brown Jr., A. Camuel, B. Chester-Burton, R. Roarx, R. Roberts, S. Stalker
Summary of Original Version Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to establish a Citizens Redistricting Commission; require that the commission consist of 13 members randomly selected by the Secretary of State; require the commission to adopt a redistricting plan for state Senatorial, state Representative, and Congressional Districts; grant the commission exclusive authority to adopt plans, seek experts and legal counsel, conduct hearings and meetings, purchase software and equipment, hire staff and consultants, and any other activity necessary in its preparation of redistricting plans; permit the General Assembly to create or amend laws to assist the commission in performance of its duties, but prohibit the General Assembly from creating or amending laws that would alter the number of votes required to adopt a plan, alter the selection process of commissioners, or otherwise prevent the commission from performing its constitutional duties with respect to redistricting; require the commission to conduct at least 12 public hearings throughout the state to inform the public about the redistricting process and solicit information from the public about potential plans; require at least 10 commissioners to vote to adopt a plan; require the commissioners to rank submitted plans by preference if the commission cannot obtain the required votes to adopt a plan; require the Secretary of State to publish adopted plans and any supporting materials; provide that a plan becomes law 60 days after publication; prohibit any body other than the commission from adopting redistricting plans; allow the Supreme Court of Kentucky to review challenges to plans and remand any plan to the commission that fails to comply with constitutional of other requirements; propose to amend Section 33 of the Constitution of Kentucky to require the Citizens Redistricting Commission to redistrict the plans every 10 years; provide ballot language; submit to voters for their ratification or rejection.
Index Headings of Original Version Local Mandate - Citizens Redistricting Commission
Elections and Voting - Redistricting, Citizens Redistricting Commission, establishment
General Assembly - Redistricting, Citizens Redistricting Commission, permanent independent commission
Redistricting - Citizens Redistricting Commission, establishment
Secretary of State - Citizens Redistricting Commission, commissioners, selection
Congressional Districts - Redistricting, Citizens Redistricting Commission, establishment
Constitution, Ky. - Redistricting, Citizens Redistricting Commission, establishment
Boards and Commissions - Citizens Redistricting Commission


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 9/26/2024 1:37 PM (EDT)