Actuarial Analysis

Blood donations, testing

Classified employees, salary increases

Code enforcement officers, hazardous duty retirement

Colorectal cancer screenings, applicable guidelines, coverage requirement

Counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage requirement

Coverage for tests to detect COVID-19

Department of Kentucky State Police, Trooper R and CVE R Classes, benefits

Emergency ground ambulance services, coverage and payment requirements

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation, insurance premium surcharge

Epinephrine devices, coverage requirement

Feeding or eating disorders, coverage requirements

Health plan, breastfeeding support and equipment, coverage requirement

Health plan, contraceptive coverage

Health plan, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders screenings, coverage requirement

Health plan, perinatal palliative care

Health plan, prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements

Health plan, prescription drugs, postpartum mood disorders, coverage requirement

Health plan, substance use disorder treatment, coverage requirement

Hearing aids, coverage requirements

Hearing loss, coverage requirements

Kentucky Employees Retirement System, hazardous position, definition

Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, peace officer revocation, nonfeasance and malfeasance, procedure

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, CERS retiree health subsidies and contribution rates, increase

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, educational contracts, membership date

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, eligibility for benefits, employment with Ky. River Comm. Care

Kentucky Public Pensions authority, Office of Financial Management, establishment

Medicaid managed care contracts, third-party payors, requirements

Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program

Medicaid, prior authorization, report

Prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements

Rapid whole genome sequencing, Kentucky Employee Health Plan, coverage requirement

Reemployment of retired officers at public universities, exemption from retirement contributions

Retirement benefits, Tier 2 benefits for members in hazardous positions

Retirement, legislatively authorized or funded raises from pension spiking provisions, exemption

Retirement System, cost-of-living adjustment for retirees

Retirement System, supplemental payment for retirees

Retirement, Tier 2 benefits for KERS/CERS members in hazardous positions

Self-insured employer group health plan, mental health wellness examination, coverage requirement

State employee healath plan, employer requirements, participation, prohibition

State-administered retirement systems, economic analysis of shareholder proposals, requirement

State-administered retirement systems, proxy adviser

State-administered retirement systems, special needs trust, lifetime annuity payments, establishment

Teachers' Retirement System

Teachers' Retirement System, allow retirees employed in private sector to retain TRS health coverage

Teachers' Retirement System, critical shortage, rehire requirement

Teachers' Retirement System, employer contributions for retiree health benefits, use of funds

Teachers' Retirement System, housekeeping bill

Teachers' Retirement System, repeal provisions of 2021 RS HB 258 relating to new teacher benefits

Teachers' Retirement System, reporting and retirement costs, sick leave and maternity leave provisio

Teachers' retirement system, service credit, optional makeup days, religious holidays

Temporary minimum dispensing fee

Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM (EST)