Budget and Financial Administration

Abandoned home pool fund, establishment

Advisory Redistricting Commission, necessary government expense

Affordable housing loan pool fund, establishment

Authorization of capital construction funds, Kentucky Community and Technical College System

Branch budget bills, recommendations

Branch budget bills, Transportation Cabinet, assistance

Branch budget recommendations

Budget reserve trust fund account, digital assets, reimbursements

Claims against the Commonwealth, appropriation of funds

Coal severance tax, coal county paramedic scholarship fund

Court fees for indigent persons, Finance and Administration Cabinet payment, requirement

Department of Agriculture, General Assembly consideration

Department of Agriculture, moneys from the budget reserve trust fund account, authorization

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Environmental remediation fee, allowable uses

Federal Funds, General Assembly approval for expenditure

Financial Incentive Review Committee, establishment, duties

First-generation homebuyer trust fund, establishment

Fiscal note, requirements

Government contracts, responsibility of bidder, determination, criteria

Graves County Jail, funding for replacement

Health and Family Services, Early Childhood Education Delivery Grant Program, non-authorization

Homelessness prevention fund

Housing development fund, modification

Illegal alien, compensation with state tax dollars, prohibition

Kentucky Community and Technical College System, appropriation, General Assembly consideration

Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force, establishment

Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task force, zero-base budgeting, study

Kentucky Exposition Center Redevelopment, capital construction funds, authorization

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, authorization of moneys

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, cost-of-living adjustment for KERS and SPRS retirees

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, supplemental payment for KERS and SPRS retirees

Kentucky State University, capital construction funds, authorization

Local Assistance Road Program, creation

Local school districts, funding for school counselors

Local school districts, salary increase for eligible employees

Office of Government Efficiency, establishment

Protective orders, attorney's fees, Finance and Administration Cabinet payment

Public postsecondary institutions, immunity from claims, removal

School Facilities Construction Commission, authorization

School Facilities Construction Commission, authorization of awards

State Investment Commission, investment authority

Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, appropriation

Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, fringe benefit costs

Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, total costs, establishment

Teachers' Retirement System, employer contributions for retiree health benefits, use of funds

Teachers scholarship programs, reform, redirection of funds

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, litigation proceeds, support

Transportation Cabinet, Six-Year Road Plan, county priority projects

United States Constitution, Article V convention on restraining federal government, application

Wrongful conviction compensation fund, establishment

Youth vaping, cessation and enforcement, litigation proceeds, support

Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM (EST)