Elections and Voting

Casino gaming, local option elections

Constitutional amendment, homestead exemption for owners 65 or older, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, pardons and commutations, Governor's ability, limitation

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, homeowners 65 years old or older, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, veterans and first responders, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, tax exemption or elimination, ballot language

Eligibility to vote, proof of identification

Foreign nationals, contributions, independent expenditures, ballot measures, prohibition

Independent school district, board of education, establishment

Local boards of education, candidates for office, partisan requirement for office sought

Local boards of education, eligibility

Marijuana convictions, expungement

Political issues committee, prohibited sources, reporting, record retention, requirements

Political yard signs, planned communities, authorization

Last updated: 1/10/2025 12:52 PM (EST)