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2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - State Employees
State Employees
Annual leave sharing, employees who are retiring or resigning
Senate Bill 79
Artificial intelligence, policy standards, privacy, use
Senate Bill 4
House Bill 672
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, federal approval, notice requirement
House Bill 691
Classified employees, working outside the Commonwealth, pay restrictions
Senate Bill 79
Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution
House Bill 197
Deferred compensation, self-directed brokerage accounts, investment
Senate Bill 104
Department of Agriculture employees, ethics exemption, program participation
House Bill 216
Department of Kentucky State Police forensic lab personnel, hazardous duty retirement
House Bill 713
Department of Kentucky State Police, Trooper R and CVE R Classes, benefits
House Bill 30: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion, offices and positions, prohibition
Senate Bill 164
Employee salaries, final paycheck, deduction of unreturned items, terms
Senate Bill 79
Employee salaries, work outside of the Commonwealth, Personnel Cabinet secretary approval
Senate Bill 79
Exclusion of income from individual income tax
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (3)
Executive branch agencies, directives by the General Assembly, requirement
House Bill 799
Executive branch employees, telework, prohibition
Senate Bill 79: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Executive branch officials, challenge of federal government actions, use of funds, prohibition
House Bill 754
Health insurance coverage, abortion, removal of prohibition
House Bill 419
Health plan, annual mental health wellness examination, coverage requirement
Senate Bill 74
Health plan, breastfeeding support and equipment, coverage requirement
House Bill 691
Health plan, contraceptive coverage
House Bill 793
Health plan, counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage requirement
House Bill 633
Health plan, coverage for tests to detect COVID-19
House Bill 540
Health plan, emergency ground ambulance services, coverage and payment requirements
House Bill 245
Health plan, epinephrine devices, coverage requirement
House Bill 236
Health plan, feeding or eating disorders, coverage requirements
House Bill 244
Health plan, formulas, coverage requirement
House Bill 691
Health plan, hearing aids, coverage requirements
Senate Bill 93: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Health plan, hearing loss, coverage requirements
Senate Bill 93
Health plan, network adequacy, pediatric audiologists, requirements
Senate Bill 93: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Health plan, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders screenings, coverage requirement
House Bill 627
Health plan, perinatal palliative care
House Bill 414
Health plan, prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements
Senate Bill 12
House Bill 413
Health plan, prescription drugs, postpartum mood disorders, coverage requirement
House Bill 683
Health plan, substance use disorder treatment, coverage requirement
House Bill 539
Health plan, third-party payors, Medicaid claims, payment and response requirements
House Bill 687
Immunization status, disclosure prohibition
House Bill 647
Interim and probationary employees, employee layoffs, termination
Senate Bill 79
Intern employee, definition
Senate Bill 79
Intern position, definition
Senate Bill 79
Judicial branch employees, telework, prohibition
Senate Bill 79: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Juvenile institution superintendents, classified service, exemption
Senate Bill 79
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization
House Bill 197
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, cost-of-living adjustment for KERS and SPRS retirees
House Bill 336
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, educational contracts, membership date
House Bill 445
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, gender-neutral language, insertion
Senate Bill 187
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, supplemental payment for KERS and SPRS retirees
House Bill 337
KERS, Tier 2 retirement benefits for members in hazardous positions
House Bill 76
House Bill 714
Legislative branch employees, telework, prohibition
Senate Bill 79: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Offender employment and licensure, requirements
House Bill 103
Organization, authority to associate, organize and strike
Senate Bill 154
House Bill 224
House Bill 225
House Bill 602
Paid family leave, state employees
House Bill 771
Public employee, occupational license, prior conviction
House Bill 87
House Bill 87: House Committee Substitute (1)
Public postsecondary education institutions, employee compensation, publication
House Bill 4
Public postsecondary education institutions, employee compensation publication, removal
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (2)
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (7)
Public postsecondary employees, qualified official immunity, waiver for non-law enforcement
House Bill 483
Public Service Commission, categories of employees, compensation set solely by commission
Senate Bill 8
Rapid whole genome sequencing, Kentucky Employee Health Plan, coverage requirement
House Bill 401
Reemployment rights, termination upon occurrence of certain events
Senate Bill 79
Retirement, legislatively authorized or funded raises from pension spiking provisions, exemption
House Bill 30
Sanctuary policies, prohibition, immunity waiver
House Bill 344
Scholarship and educational opportunities
Senate Bill 79
School district personnel, electronic communication with students, restrictions
Senate Bill 181
Sick leave sharing, employees who are retiring or resigning
Senate Bill 79
State employee health plan, Kentucky Kare standard, elimination
Senate Bill 155
State employee health plan, omnibus bill
Senate Bill 155
Telework policies
Senate Bill 79: House Floor Amendment (1)
Unclassified employees of certain constitutional officers, employment
House Bill 738
Wages, exclusion from individual income tax
House Bill 338
Workers' compensation, psychological injuries
House Bill 420
Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM