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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Workforce
Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation
House Bill 302
Apprenticeship tax credit, eligible employers
House Bill 590
Cabinet for Economic Development, in-demand occupations and industry sectors, identification
House Bill 266
Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment
Senate Bill 1: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, establishment
Senate Bill 1
Council on Postsecondary Education, air traffic programs, study, establishment
Senate Bill 87: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Covenant not to compete, restrictions
House Bill 690
COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement
Senate Bill 177
Diversity, equity, and inclusion, licensure requirement, prohibition
House Bill 4: House Committee Substitute (1)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion, licensure requirement, removal of prohibition
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (4)
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion spending, periodic compliance audit, frequency and appeals
House Bill 4: House Committee Substitute (1)
Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program, application requirements
House Bill 508
Employees, schedules
House Bill 631
Employer vaccination mandate, medical contraindication, exception
House Bill 647
Employers, ghost job posting, prohibition
House Bill 57
Employment, unlawful acts, settlement agreements, prohibition
House Bill 594
Essential employees, minimum wage
House Bill 593
Gender-neutral language, inclusion
House Bill 475
Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program, eligible use
House Bill 605
House Bill 605: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 605: House Floor Amendment (1)
Healthcare professions, scholarships for training programs, terms and eligibility
House Bill 305
Heat illness prevention, outdoor employees
Senate Bill 49
High-demand baccalaureate programs, statewide transfer pathways, creation
House Bill 427
Illegal alien, compensation with state tax dollars, prohibition
Senate Bill 151
House Bill 492
Income tax exclusions, tips and overtime compensation
House Bill 26
Labor organizations, protections on membership
Senate Bill 154
House Bill 224
House Bill 225
House Bill 602
Leave from employment for court appearances, requirements for employer and employee
House Bill 632
Licensing, data collection, employment information
House Bill 79
Limited X-ray machine operator, criteria
House Bill 72
Marriage and family therapists, licensure and renewal, reciprocity
House Bill 49
Senate Bill 222
Minimum wage, baseball players, exemption, collective bargaining
Senate Bill 15
Minimum wage for all employees, workers with a disability, requirements
House Bill 599
Municipal firefighter work schedules
House Bill 131
House Bill 131: House Committee Substitute (1)
Non-compete clause, unenforceablility
Senate Bill 234
Occupational licenses, recognition of military training
Senate Bill 32
Occupational safety and health, standards
House Bill 398
House Bill 398: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (2)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (3)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (4)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (5)
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, community rehabilitation services, service fee memoranda
Senate Bill 103
Senate Bill 103: House Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 103: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Paid family leave, state employees
House Bill 771
Public employment, occupational license, prior conviction
House Bill 87
House Bill 87: House Committee Substitute (1)
Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity, and inclusion, limitations
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (12)
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (13)
Reciprocal licensing, cosmetologists, estheticians, and nail technicians
House Bill 497
Right to refuse meetings or communications, political or religious matters
Senate Bill 51
Sexual harassment, hostile work environment, definition
House Bill 731
State minimum wage, increase
House Bill 564
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training program, awareness
Senate Resolution 18
Unemployment insurance, fraud
Senate Bill 162
Senate Bill 162: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 162: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Universal recognition of occupational licenses and government certifications
House Bill 133
Unlawful employment practice, inquiry about previous salary
House Bill 289
Wages or wage range, employers to include in any job posting, transparency
House Bill 362
Wages, requirement to pay living wage
House Bill 129
Work Ready Scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 529
Workers' compensation, illegal substances, proximate cause of injury
House Bill 569
Workers' Compensation, medical professional, eligibility
Senate Bill 191
Workers compensation, payment for services, submission of statements, compensability determinatio
House Bill 502
Workforce needs projections, Cabinet for Economic Development, report
Senate Bill 32
Workplace policy, right to disconnect during nonworking hours, penalty for violation
House Bill 229
Wrongful discharge, collection of lost wages
House Bill 692
Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM