
Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation

Apprenticeship tax credit, eligible employers

Cabinet for Economic Development, in-demand occupations and industry sectors, identification

Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment

Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, establishment

Council on Postsecondary Education, air traffic programs, study, establishment

Covenant not to compete, restrictions

COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement

Diversity, equity, and inclusion, licensure requirement, prohibition

Diversity, equity, and inclusion, licensure requirement, removal of prohibition

Diversity, equity, and inclusion spending, periodic compliance audit, frequency and appeals

Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program, application requirements

Employees, schedules

Employer vaccination mandate, medical contraindication, exception

Employers, ghost job posting, prohibition

Employment, unlawful acts, settlement agreements, prohibition

Essential employees, minimum wage

Gender-neutral language, inclusion

Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program, eligible use

Healthcare professions, scholarships for training programs, terms and eligibility

Heat illness prevention, outdoor employees

High-demand baccalaureate programs, statewide transfer pathways, creation

Illegal alien, compensation with state tax dollars, prohibition

Income tax exclusions, tips and overtime compensation

Labor organizations, protections on membership

Leave from employment for court appearances, requirements for employer and employee

Licensing, data collection, employment information

Limited X-ray machine operator, criteria

Marriage and family therapists, licensure and renewal, reciprocity

Minimum wage, baseball players, exemption, collective bargaining

Minimum wage for all employees, workers with a disability, requirements

Municipal firefighter work schedules

Non-compete clause, unenforceablility

Occupational licenses, recognition of military training

Occupational safety and health, standards

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, community rehabilitation services, service fee memoranda

Paid family leave, state employees

Public employment, occupational license, prior conviction

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity, and inclusion, limitations

Reciprocal licensing, cosmetologists, estheticians, and nail technicians

Right to refuse meetings or communications, political or religious matters

Sexual harassment, hostile work environment, definition

State minimum wage, increase

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training program, awareness

Unemployment insurance, fraud

Universal recognition of occupational licenses and government certifications

Unlawful employment practice, inquiry about previous salary

Wages or wage range, employers to include in any job posting, transparency

Wages, requirement to pay living wage

Work Ready Scholarship, eligibility

Workers' compensation, illegal substances, proximate cause of injury

Workers' Compensation, medical professional, eligibility

Workers compensation, payment for services, submission of statements, compensability determinatio

Workforce needs projections, Cabinet for Economic Development, report

Workplace policy, right to disconnect during nonworking hours, penalty for violation

Wrongful discharge, collection of lost wages

Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM (EST)