Banks and Financial Institutions

Certificate of deposit, renewal of

Check cashing, regulation and establishment of a database

Credit card accounts, payment on

Credit card application, notice not to send

Credit health insurance, extend duration

Credit union service facility, application to establish

Debit and credit cards

Deferred deposit transactions

Deferred deposit transactions, database

Deferred deposit transactions, debit or electronic instruments

Deferred deposit transactions, direct study

Deferred deposit transactions, fee and maximum number

Deferred deposit transactions, regulation and establishment of a database

Electronic transfer of funds, wages and expenses of state employees

Fees and penalties, reduce

Financial products, information hotline, consumers

High-cost home loans

High-cost home loans, prepayment penalties

Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, urge Congress to enact

Homeowners and Banks Protection Act, urge enactment

Industrial loan companies, authorized charges

Industrial loan corporations, restrictions, commercial activity

Investment services, trust requirements

Kentucky Homeowners Protection Center, establishment of

Kentucky Homeownership Protection Center, create

Merchant account contracts

Mortgage loans, regulation of

Mortgages, prepayment penalties in, prohibition

New markets, investment program and tax credits for

Office of financial institutions, mortgage foreclosure counseling

Real estate, length of period a bank may hold

Require notification to state local debt officer when entering into specified financial obligations

Residential mortgage fraud, penalties for

Residential mortgage loans, unlawful acts

Retail sales contract, debt cancellation agreement

Secured party, costs and expenses

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of

Spousal maintenance, automatic payment of

Trustees, compensation of

Uniform Commercial Code, Article 8 investment securities, updated references to

Use of the term "bank" in a designation or name

Viatical settlements, premium financing

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)