
Bad check, increase in collection fee

Buying clubs and vacation clubs, refunds for cancellation of membership in

Cigarette wholesaler compensation, increase rate

Collection bins, charitable or noncharitable status specified

Data provided to the Legislative Research Commission

Dogs, require buyer guarantees, increase torture penalty

Economic development and tourism project expenditure report

Election days alcoholic beverages, local legislative body may permit sale of

Electronic titling system, established

Enforcement on private land under use agreements, MOA between Commerce/Fish and Wildlife

Intellectual Property Bank Program, creation of

Motor carriers, sales tax exemption for repair parts

Natural Gas Acquisition Authority, authorize creation and powers thereof

Ohio River dams and locks, urge Congress to fully fund

Prescription drugs, transfer or distribution of

Self-contained storage units, rights and duties regarding lease of

Strategic planning, economic development

Tourism Development Act, sunset

Tracking devices, implantation in humans

Uniform Commercial Code, Article 8 investment securities, updated references to

Unsafe children's products, prohibition of

Unsolicited fax, prohibitions and penalty

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)