Land Use

Agricultural district, requirements for

Community residential correctional centers, notice and approval

Controls for privately-constructed residential developments

Counties containing consolidated local governments, residential density for certain roads

Demolition or removal of dilapidated buildings, inclusion of manufactured and mobile homes

Gravel operations, agricultural use, limited permit for

Historic or prehistoric remains on property, procedure for disposition of

Kentucky Recreational Trails Authority, ATV use in adventure tourism & trespassing, study of

KY Recreational Trails Authority, add member of the Brain Injury Association of Kentucky to

KY Recreational Trails Authority, revise membership, enable land contracts

Land Stewardship and Conversation Task Force, Reauthorize

Land survey, surface coal mining permit, requirement for

Land surveying definition, exemption, established

Land use regulations, abatement for commercial development

Legislative bodies and fiscal courts action, proposed planning goals and objectives, clarification

Notice of hearings, final orders and cellular tower applications, delivery by first-class mail

PACE, termination of donated easements, payment to legal heirs at law

Planning goals, objectives, action by legislative bodies and fiscal court, requirement for

Poultry houses, set distance from schools and other facilities

Recreational land use, private land owners, agreements for

Recreational use agreements, governmental entities, authorization for

Redesignation of green space use in residential subdivisions, procedure for

Remove of dilapidated buildings, agreement terms, disposition of waste and other contamination

Stream restoration and mitigation authorities, creation of

Stream Restoration and Mitigation Authority, responsibilities of

Structures on public waters, Department of Fish and Wildlife, permits for

Urban county governments, planning and zoning variances, limitations

Voluntary agreements, enable demolition or removal of dilapidated buildings

Wildlife causing property damage, taking and using permitted out of season

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)