Civil Rights

Abortion, dismemberment, prohibition of

Abortion, prohibition of

Abortion, ultrasound requirements

Brown, Linda, celebrating life of

Commission on Human Rights, actions with a previous final order, preclusion of

Criminal history background checks, prior to offer of employment, prohibition

Discriminatory jury selection practices, disqualification of prosecutor

Employers, exempt from state laws when covered by similar federal laws

Employment discrimination, personal liability for employees, prohibiting

Employment discrimination, requirement of criminal history on job applications, prohibition

Freedom of speech at postsecondary education institutions, policies required to ensure

Guardianship and conservatorship, proceedings for

Guardianship, court-community partnership, creation of

Hate crime, offense against peace officer or emergency medical services personnel as a result of

Immediate detention, following opioid overdose

Marriage, minimum age, establishment of

Opioid assessment detention, following overdose

Public assistance, substance abuse screening

Public playgrounds, accessible and inclusive design

Religious organizations, protecting

Restoration, felony expungement, reckless homicide

Restoration of voting rights, constitutional process of granting

Sex, race, or national origin, wage discrimination, prohibiting

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of

Sexual orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination

Statute of limitations for discrimination actions under KRS Chapter 344

Statute of limitations of 1 year for discrimination actions under KRS Chapter 344

Statute of limitations of 300 days for discrimination actions under KRS Chapter 344

Last updated: 9/1/2020 2:57 PM (EDT)
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