Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions.
.020 Who may incorporate.
.030 Articles of incorporation -- What to contain.
.040 Filing and approval of articles -- When corporation may begin business.
.050 Amendments to articles.
.060 Repealed, 2011.
.070 Bylaws -- Adoption and contents.
.080 Board of directors and officers.
.090 Requirements for membership in corporation -- Rights and liabilities of members.
.095 Nonprofit operation.
.100 Common and preferred stock -- Ownership and transfer.
.110 General powers of rural electric cooperative corporations.
.120 Persons with whom corporation may do business -- Conditions for acquisition of new base load generating facility.
.125 Transmission, distribution or sale of energy to municipally owned electric utility -- Exceptions.
.130 Obligations, how issued, secured, purchased or redeemed.
.140 Power of board of directors to encumber or dispose of property.
.150 Other electric companies required to sell electric energy to cooperatives.
.160 Repealed, 1972.
.170 Consolidation of cooperatives.
.180 Dissolution.
.190 Fees for articles and amendments -- No recording taxes.
.200 Taxes.
.210 Jurisdiction of Public Service Commission -- Application of other laws.
.220 Foreign cooperatives may extend lines into this state -- Conditions -- Limitation.
.310 Definitions for KRS 279.320 to 279.600.
.320 Who may incorporate -- Purposes of incorporation.
.330 Articles of incorporation.
.340 Name.
.350 Filing and approval of articles -- When corporation may begin business.
.360 General powers of rural telephone cooperative corporations.
.370 Bylaws -- Adoption and contents.
.380 Board of trustees -- Officers.
.390 Members and shareholders -- Requirements for membership.
.400 Meeting of members -- Waiver of notice.
.410 Amendment of articles of incorporation.
.420 Change of location of principal offices.
.430 Common and preferred stock -- Ownership and transfer.
.440 Consolidation.
.450 Merger.
.460 Effect of consolidation or merger.
.470 Conversion and combined consolidation and conversion of existing corporations.
.480 Dissolution.
.490 Fees for articles and amendments -- No recording taxes.
.500 Nonprofit operation.
.510 Obligations, how issued, secured, purchased or redeemed -- Power of board of trustees to encumber or dispose of property.
.520 Recordation of mortgages -- Effect thereof.
.530 Taxes.
.540 Jurisdiction of Public Service Commission -- Application of other laws.
.550 Securities act exemption.
.560 Districts.
.570 Foreign corporations.
.580 Construction standards -- Safety.
.590 Easements.
.600 Effect and construction of KRS 279.310 to 279.590.
.990 Penalties.