Title 011 | Chapter 020 | Regulation 070

11 KAR 20:070.Dual enrollment under consortium agreement.

Section 1.

For purposes of the Kentucky Coal County College Completion Scholarship Program, a student who is otherwise eligible pursuant to 11 KAR 20:010, except that the student is enrolled simultaneously in two (2) or more educational institutions pursuing an eligible program of study jointly offered by those institutions, shall be eligible under this section if:


The program of study is covered by a consortium agreement between the educational institutions;


The student is carrying a combined academic workload at all educational institutions in the consortium equal to full-time enrollment at the primary institution; and


The primary institution is the institution that the student indicated he or she would be attending at the time the award under this program is made.

Section 2.

Consortium Agreement. Two (2) or more eligible educational institutions under the Kentucky Coal County College Completion Scholarship Program, as either participating or nonparticipating institutions, may, for purposes of Section 1 of this administrative regulation, execute a consortium agreement which meets the following terms and conditions:


The agreement shall be written and signed by authorized representatives of each participating educational institution;


The agreement shall designate which educational institution will serve as the primary institution; and


The agreement shall specify:


The tuition, fees, room and board cost, and all other costs assessed to the student by each institution; and


That the primary institution will perform the duties set forth in Section 3 of this administrative regulation.

Section 3.

Duties of Primary Institution. For purposes of Section 2 of this administrative regulation, the primary institution designated in a consortium agreement shall assume the following duties and responsibilities:


Counsel students, who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment in programs of study covered by the consortium agreement, concerning student eligibility, rights, and responsibilities under the Kentucky Coal County College Completion Scholarship Program;


Maintain all records, including information from all participating institutions about the student's grades, institutional costs incurred, financial aid received, enrollment, and all other information related to the student's eligibility as is required to be maintained on any other scholarship recipient enrolled only in the primary institution;


Disburse the Kentucky Coal County College Completion scholarship;


Confer academic credit to the student for all courses completed at other educational institutions under the consortium agreement as if the courses had been provided by the primary institution;


Monitor the student's enrollment status at all educational institutions in the consortium and indicate the student's enrollment at the primary institution as the equivalent of the combined enrollment at all educational institutions in the consortium;


Calculate any refund or repayment and make any refund based on the primary institution's refund policy, based upon any change in enrollment at any of the educational institutions in the consortium, as if the student were enrolled only at the primary institution; and


Provide to the authority, on behalf of all educational institutions in the consortium, all reports and notifications required by KRS 164.7894 and 11 KAR 20:010 through 20:060 as if the student were enrolled only at the primary institution.

Section 4.

The consortium agreement may contain any other terms and conditions, not inconsistent with this administrative regulation, as may be considered necessary or appropriate by the participating educational institutions.

HISTORY: (41 Ky.R. 1249; 1509; eff. 2-6-2015; Crt eff. 9-28-2018.)

7-Year Expiration: 9/28/2025

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM