Title 012 | Chapter 001 | Regulation 155

12 KAR 1:155.Schedule of charges for samples submitted for testing.

Section 1.

Definition. "Free test" means:


A complete test consisting of a purity analysis, a noxious weed seed examination for Kentucky, and a germination test; or


A test with a cost equivalent to a complete test.

Section 2.

Except as provided by KRS 250.091, which authorizes one (1) free test per year, the service charges established in this section shall be assessed for samples submitted to the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Seed Laboratory.


Basic charges shall be as established in the table in this subsection.

Kind of Seed

Complete Test

Purity and Noxious Weed Seed Test

Germination Only

Group 1

Corn and soybeans




Group 2

Small grains




Group 3





Group 4

Clovers, alfalfas, and lespedezas




Group 5

Lawn and forage grasses




Group 6

Native grasses, flowers, and forbs




Group 7





Group 8

Ornamentals (trees, shrubs, and flowers) and herbs





Nonresidents shall be assessed an additional charge of fifteen (15) dollars per sample.


A complete test shall include a purity analysis, a noxious weed seed examination (for Kentucky only), and a germination test.


A purity and noxious weed test shall include a purity analysis and a noxious weed seed examination (for only those seed designated as noxious in Kentucky).


In ryegrass samples, a complete test shall be assessed a charge of twenty-five (25) dollars and shall include a fluorescence test, which distinguishes perennial ryegrass seed from annual ryegrass seed.


Mixtures, difficult, or dirty samples shall be charged an additional forty (40) dollars per hour for extra separation time.


Mixtures submitted for germination testing shall be charged a fifteen (15) dollar separation fee. Each component over five (5) percent of the total in mixtures shall be charged individually for germination testing.


Rush service may be provided upon request at an additional charge of twenty-five (25) dollars per sample.


Samples of coated, encrusted, pelleted, film-coated, or treated seed shall be charged an additional fifteen (15) dollars for hand washing and disposal of toxic substances.


The schedule of charges for special tests shall be:


Noxious weed seed examinations:


Kentucky only: ten (10) dollars;


Other states: fifteen (15) dollars per state; and


All states: fifty (50) dollars;


Moisture test: eight (8) dollars;


Seed count per pound: ten (10) dollars;


Varietal identification:


Soybean hypocotyl color test: fifteen (15) dollars;


Phenol test of wheat: eighteen (18) dollars; and


Peroxidase test of soybean: eighteen (18) dollars;


Vigor tests:


Accelerated aging: eighteen (18) dollars;


Cold test: eighteen (18) dollars; and


Conductivity: eighteen (18) dollars;


Tetrazolium test:


Groups 1 and 2: eighteen (18) dollars;


Groups 4, 5, and 7: thirty (30) dollars; and


Groups 3, 6, and 8: forty (40) dollars;


Seed or plant tall fescue endophyte; one (1) to 100 specimens: $125;


Biotechnology trait identification; herbicide bioassay: thirty (30) dollars; and


Reexamination of a sample to secure information not requested initially, or any analysis or test to obtain information not specifically required by the Kentucky Seed Law, KRS 250.021 through 250.111 and 12 KAR Chapter 1, shall be assessed forty (40) dollars per hour for analytical time.


Testing performed in compliance with International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) rules shall be charged fifteen (15) dollars in addition to test fees.


Testing performed in compliance with Canadian Methods and Procedures (M & P) for Testing Seed shall be charged eighteen (18) dollars in addition to test fees.


Charges for kinds not listed in this section shall be commensurate with charges made for other kinds of seed of similar size.

HISTORY: (20 Ky.R. 3329; eff. 8-24-1994; 40 Ky.R. 104; 772; eff. 10-9-2013; 43 Ky.R. 431; eff. 12-2-2016; 47 Ky.R. 100, 701; eff. 11-18-2020.)

7-Year Expiration: 11/18/2027

Last Updated: 3/4/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM