Title 012 | Chapter 002 | Regulation 011

12 KAR 2:011.Label format.

Section 1.

A commercial feed, other than customer formula feed, shall be labeled with the information prescribed in this administrative regulation on the principal display panel of the product and in the following format:


Product name and brand name, if any, in conformance with 12 KAR 2:016;


If a drug is used, the word "medicated" shall appear directly following and below the product name in type size no smaller than one-half (1/2) the type size of the product name;


Product purpose statement as required by 12 KAR 2:017;


If a drug is used:


The purpose of medication (claim statement); and


An active drug ingredient statement listing the active drug ingredients by their established names and the amounts in accordance with 12 KAR 2:021, Section 4;


The guaranteed analysis of the feed as required by KRS 250.521(1)(b) and 12 KAR 2:018;


The listing of feed ingredients as required by 12 KAR 2:026;


Directions for use and precautionary statements as required by 12 KAR 2:031 and 12 KAR 2:036;


Name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer or person responsible for distributing the feed. The principal mailing address shall include the street address, city, state, and zip code; however, the street address may be omitted if it is shown in the current city directory or telephone directory of the city or county where the manufacturer or distributor maintains his principal place of business; and


The quantity statement of the net weight, net volume, or count.

Section 2.


The information required by Section 1 of this administrative regulation shall appear in its entirety on one (1) side of the label or container, except the information required by Section 1(7) of this administrative regulation may be placed on a different side of the label or container if it is displayed in a prominent place on the label or container. If the information is placed on a different side, it shall be referenced on the front side with a statement indicating where the information is located.


The information required by Section 1 of this administrative regulation shall not be subordinated or obscured by other statements or designs.

Section 3.

Customer-formula feed shall be accompanied by a label, invoice, delivery ticket, or other shipping document bearing the following information:


The name and address of the manufacturer;


The name and address of the purchaser;


The date of sale or delivery;


The customer-formula feed name and brand name, if any;


The product name and net quantity of each registered commercial feed and each other ingredient used in the mixture;


The directions for use and precautionary statements as required by 12 KAR 2:031 and 12 KAR 2:036; and


If a drug-containing product is used:


The purpose of the medication (claim statement); and


The established name of each active drug ingredient and the level of each drug used in the final mixture as required by 12 KAR 2:021.

HISTORY: (AES-2(1973)-2; 1 Ky.R. 998; eff. 6-11-1975; 23 Ky.R. 1604; 2703; eff. 1-10-1997; 45 Ky.R. 381; eff 10-10-2018.)

7-Year Expiration: 10/10/2025

Last Updated: 3/3/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM