Title 013 | Chapter 002 | Regulation 050

This document is no longer current.

13 KAR 2:050.Tuition at public institutions of higher education in Kentucky.

Section 1.

General. The Council on Postsecondary Education sets the tuition for all students enrolled in each public institution of higher education including an individually-accredited community colleges and professional schools in Kentucky. These include Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky State University, Morehead State University, Murray State University, Northern Kentucky University, University of Kentucky - University System, University of Louisville, Western Kentucky University, and University of Kentucky - Community College System.

Section 2.

Tuition Policy.


Kentucky's tuition policy shall be responsive to access and marketplace; that is, the policy shall be based in large part on tuition rates at benchmark (peer) institutions in neighboring states and shall consider the need for economic access to higher education for Kentucky residents. The council shall conduct periodic surveys of doctoral, master's, community college system, and professional schools benchmarks' tuition consistent with the following tuition-setting principles:


Maintain tuition levels for Kentucky residents as a reasonable percentage of per capita personal income (PCPI), with concomitant recommendations for adequate funding for need-based student financial aid to ensure economic access to higher education;


Use all council-approved benchmark institutions as points of reference for determining tuition;


Differentiate tuition rates by type of institutions (individually-accredited community colleges, regional/master's degree-granting universities, and doctoral degree-granting universities); and


Provide for stability of tuition rate increases from biennium to biennium (i.e., minimize fluctuations).



A resident tuition objective, expressing tuition as a percentage of PCPI, is set for each type of institution and professional school.


Resident undergraduate and professional school tuition rates are expressed as a percentage of PCPI.


Graduate resident tuition rates are expressed as a percentage of the undergraduate resident tuition rates. Nonresident undergraduate and graduate rates are expressed as a percentage of appropriate resident rates.


Tuition rates for nonresident professional schools are set at the median of similar rates at benchmark institutions.

HISTORY: (13 Ky.R. 1314; eff. 2-10-87; 17 Ky.R. 3213; eff. 7-5-91; 22 Ky.R. 2040; 23 Ky.R. 116; eff. 7-5-96.)

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM