Title 013 | Chapter 003 | Regulation 060

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Office of Adult Education (Kentucky Skills U)
(Amended at ARRS Committee)

13 KAR 3:060.High school equivalency diploma awarded for credit hour completion at Kentucky Community and Technical College System institutions.

Section 1.



"Credit for prior learning" means college credit:


For the college-level knowledge and skills gained from non-college instructional programs or life experiences, including but not limited to credit awarded pursuant to 13 KAR 2:025 and KRS 164.2951(2)(e), employment, military experience, civic activities, and volunteer service; and.


ThatCredit is evaluated through nationally standardized exams in specific disciplines, challenge exams for specific courses at individual institutions, evaluations of non-college training programs, and individualized assessments.


"Eligible candidate" means an individual that:


Has reached his or her 19th birthday;


Has not obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent;


Meets the admission and placement requirements of 13 KAR 2:020; and


Maintains a Kentucky address.


"KCTCS" means the Kentucky Community and Technical College System as defined in KRS 164.001(13).


"KYSUKYAE" means the Kentucky Skills UAdult Education program within the Education & Workforce Development CabinetCouncil on Postsecondary Education.


"OCTAE" "OVAE" means the U.S. Department of Education Office of Career Technical Vocational and Adult Education.


"Successful completion" means:


Passing with a course grade greater than or equal to "C" constituting a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale; or


Being awarded credit for prior learning as indicated on an official KCTCS transcript.

Section 2.

Course Requirements.


An eligible candidate shall qualify for a Commonwealth of Kentucky High School Equivalency Diploma upon successful completion of a minimum of three (3) credit hours in each of the following content areas as certified with an official KCTCS transcript:


Written communication;


Quantitative reasoning;


Natural sciences; and


Social and behavioral sciences.


KCTCS and KYSU KYAE shall review the competencies gained in entry-level courses in these content areas. Those entry-level courses with competencies that meet or exceed the skills demonstrated through passing the GED® exam at college ready level shall be eligible for the program and published in a list on the KYSU KYAE's Web site Web site.

Section 3.

Issuance of Commonwealth of Kentucky High School Equivalency Diploma. An eligible candidate shall provide the following to Kentucky Skills U Adult Education for the High School Equivalency Diploma to be issued:


Legal name, date of birth, social security number, phone number, email address, home address, list of eligible courses, and signature;


A twenty-five (25) dollar non-refundable application and processing fee; and


An official KCTCS transcript documenting successful completion of the qualifying credit hours.

HISTORY: (44 Ky.R. 2702; eff. 8-31-2018; 48 Ky.R. 849, 2017; eff. 4-5-2022.)

FILED WITH LRC: December 9, 2021
CONTACT PERSON: Natalie Cummins, GED® Administrator, Office of Adult Education (Kentucky Skills U), 500 Mero Street Mail Stop 5SC, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601; phone 502-892-3021; email Natalie.Cummins@ky.gov.

7-Year Expiration: 4/5/2029

Last Updated: 3/3/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM