Title 013 | Chapter 006 | Regulation 020REG

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(Amended at ARRS Committee)

13 KAR 6:020.Aviation equipment grants.

Section 1.



"Advisory committee" is defined by KRS 164.7011(1).


"Aviation" is defined by KRS 164.7011(2).


"Aviation industry partner" is defined by KRS 164.7011(3).


"Aviation program" is defined by KRS 164.7011(4).


"Council" is defined by KRS 164.001(5)(8).


"Dedicated money" is defined by KRS 164.7011(6).


"Eligible aviation credential" is defined by KRS 164.7011(7).


"Fund" is defined by KRS 164.7011(8).


"Match" means general fund appropriation moneysmonies from the fund provided to the institution, depending on availability of funds and subject to funds availability, based on at least a dollar-for-dollar contribution from the aviation industry partner pursuant to KRS 164.7017(2)(a).


"Public aviation program" is defined by KRS 164.7011(12).

Section 2.

Notice of Funding Opportunities.


Each year that general fund appropriations are available for distribution through the fund, the council shall publish notice of availability of funding opportunities for partnerships and issue a request for partnership proposals.


The notice and request for partnership proposals shall include:


The funding period;


The date by which to submit a partnership proposal;


The dollar amount of available matching funds;


The partnership proposal evaluation criteria and relative weighting of each criterion;


How to submit a partnership proposal; and


The targeted date for making awards.

Section 3.

Partnership Proposals. To be eligible for funding, a partnership proposal shall include:


The participating aviation industry partners and aviation programs certified by the signature of thetheir respective chief executive officers and a designated point of contact and contact information for each partner;


Certification that the "public aviation program" meets the definition in KRS 164.7011(12);


The total proposed budget for the program, which shall includeincludes the aviation industry partner contribution and the amount of aerospace, aviation, and defense investment funds requested for match in accordance with requirements set forth by the council;


A narrative explaining how the partnership would meet the criteria for prioritization establishedset forth in KRS 164.7017(3)(a);


A response to any other partnership proposal criteria as determined by the advisory committee; and


The amount of the aviation industry partner's contribution certified by its chief financial officer and supported by appropriate documentation.

Section 4.

Evaluation Process. The advisory committee shall review and rank each timely submitted and complete proposal submitted on or before the due date based on its published evaluation criteria, which shall include the priorities establishedset forth in KRS 164.7017(3)(a) and any other objective criteria developed by the advisory committee.

Section 5.

Partnership Awards.


Upon award, the council, the aviation industry partner, and aviation program shall enter into a partnership contract in accordance with the terms establishedset forth in KRS 164.7017(2).


Once the partnership contract is finalized, the council shall disburse from the fund, moneys monies deposited by the aviation industry partner and the matching funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the aviation program.

Section 6.

Responsibilities of the Aviation Program. After an award is made and a partnership contract is finalized, the aviation program shall:


Submit proof that the entire amount of the aviation equipment grant is invested in accordance with KRS 164.7017(4); and


Meet any reporting requirements establishedset forth in the partnership contract.

FILED WITH LRC: December 9, 2024
CONTACT PERSON: Sterling Crayton, Attorney, Council on Postsecondary Education, 100 Airport Road, Second Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, phone 502.573.1555, email sterling.crayton@ky.gov.

7-Year Expiration: 8/6/2031

Last Updated: 12/18/2024

Page Generated: 9/19/2024, 12:15:11 PM