Title 016 | Chapter 002 | Regulation 120

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16 KAR 2:120.Emergency certification and out-of-field teaching.

Section 1.

Definition. "Qualified teacher" means a teacher who holds the appropriate certification for the position unless the superintendent of the employing school district has documented evidence that the teacher is unsuitable for appointment.

Section 2.





Until December 31, 2014, a superintendent of a local school district shall apply to the Education Professional Standards Board for an emergency teaching certificate on behalf of an applicant by completing the Form TC-4F.


Beginning January 1, 2015, a superintendent of a local school district shall apply to the Education Professional Standards Board for an emergency teaching certificate on behalf of an applicant by completing the Form CA-4F.


In accordance with KRS 161.100, prior to applying on behalf of an applicant for an emergency teaching certificate, the superintendent and board of education of a local school district shall document the following:


Qualified teachers have not applied for the vacant position and qualified teachers are not available for the position;


Diligent efforts have been made to recruit a qualified teacher for the vacant position, and furthermore, this vacancy has been made known locally by appropriate means;


The local school district has been unsuccessful in recruiting qualified teachers for the vacant position from the listings of teachers supplied by the placement services of the teacher education institutions;


The position shall be filled by the most suitable applicant available, giving preference to the factors of academic preparation, prior teaching experience or related educational work, and personal attributes compatible with the demands of the teaching profession; and


The local school district has conducted a criminal records check as required by KRS 160.380 for each applicant prior to applying for the emergency certificate.




The Education Professional Standards Board, depending upon the assessment of need for the position and the availability or anticipated availability of qualified teachers, shall approve or disapprove a request for the employment of emergency teachers.


The term of validity of an emergency certificate may be limited to a period less than the full school year.


The beginning date shall be no earlier than the date the request form is received by the Education Professional Standards Board.


In accordance with the licensure requirements of KRS 334A.030, 334A.033, 334A.035, 334A.050, and 334A.060, the Education Professional Standards Board shall not issue an emergency certificate for teaching exceptional children with communication disorders.


An emergency certificate shall not be issued to the same person in any subsequent year unless the original emergency certificate was issued under the following conditions:


The emergency certificate was issued after February 15 of a school year; or


The emergency certificate was issued for less than fifty (50) percent of the person's class schedule.


If an emergency certificate is issued to a person pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subsection, there shall be no more than one (1) subsequent issuance of an emergency certificate to the same person.




Emergency certification for an assignment as teacher of exceptional children shall be issued with the condition that the applicant shall receive intensive training on special education topics, including IEP, assessment, evaluation, individualized instruction, methods, and management. This training shall be accomplished as follows:


The applicant shall complete twelve (12) clock hours of training as required by the Office of Special Instructional Services of the Kentucky Department of Education;




The applicant shall complete an additional six (6) clock hours of training during the fall conference conducted by the Division of Exceptional Children Services of the Kentucky Department of Education. Teachers employed after the fall conference shall complete these six (6) clock hours of training during the spring conference of the Council for Exceptional Children; or


If the applicant is unable to attend either the fall conference or the spring conference, the applicant shall complete an additional six (6) clock hours of training offered through one (1) of the state's eleven (11) special education cooperatives. The training shall be similar to the topics covered at the conferences; and


The applicant shall participate in at least one (1) day of flexible in-service training, relevant specifically to special education. The training shall be limited to visitation in a classroom of an exemplary special education teacher, special education training relevant to the identified needs of the teacher, or other training provided by the Office of Special Instructional Services.


The Kentucky Department of Education shall report to the Education Professional Standards Board those emergency certified teachers of exceptional children who have not completed the training requirements established in this subsection by June 30 of each year for the preceding school year.


The superintendent of the local school district and the board of education may establish the need for emergency substitute teachers on the basis of anticipated shortages of regularly certified teachers and in accordance with district policies and procedures established for the selection and employment of substitute teachers.


The Education Professional Standards Board shall periodically review the numbers of emergency certificates issued for full-time, part-time, and substitute teaching by school district, by position, and by academic preparation.






An emergency certificate for full-time or part-time employment shall be issued only to individuals who:


Have completed a minimum of a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college; and




Have a cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; or


Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the last sixty (60) hours of credit completed, including undergraduate and graduate coursework.


An emergency certificate for full-time or part-time employment shall not be issued to individuals who have been judged to be unsatisfactory in the beginning teacher internship established in 16 KAR 7:010.


An emergency certificate for substitute teaching shall be issued to individuals who:


Have completed a minimum of sixty-four (64) semester hours of credit from a regionally accredited institution; and




Have a cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; or


Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the last sixty (60) hours of credit completed, including undergraduate and graduate coursework.


An emergency certificate for substitute teaching in any career and technical education or occupation-based position may be issued to persons who have a minimum of four (4) years of occupational experience in the area to be taught and a high school diploma or its equivalent as determined by evidence of a passing score on the General Education Development Test.






Until December 31, 2014, a Form TC-4F signed by the local school superintendent and approved by the local board of education shall be submitted for each anticipated emergency position for full-time or part-time employment. The application shall be accompanied by official transcripts of all college credits earned by the prospective emergency teacher.


Beginning January 1, 2015, a Form CA-4F signed by the local school superintendent and approved by the local board of education shall be submitted for each anticipated emergency position for full-time or part-time employment. The application shall be accompanied by official transcripts of all college credits earned by the prospective emergency teacher.




Until December 31, 2014, a TC-4VE signed by the local school superintendent and approved by the local board of education shall be submitted for each anticipated career and technical or occupation-based emergency position for full-time or part-time employment. The application shall be accompanied by official transcripts and certification of all educational attainment and work experience earned by the prospective emergency teacher.


Beginning January 1, 2015, a CA-4VE signed by the local school superintendent and approved by the local board of education shall be submitted for each anticipated career and technical or occupation-based emergency position for full-time or part-time employment. The application shall be accompanied by official transcripts and certification of all educational attainment and work experience earned by the prospective emergency teacher.


A local school district shall review the qualifications and transcripts for each applicant for an emergency certificate for substitute teaching pursuant to the requirements of this administrative regulation and other pertinent Kentucky statutes and administrative regulations regarding school personnel.






Until December 31, 2014, a local school district shall initiate the online application process for candidates for an emergency certificate for substitute teaching using the EPSB On-line TC-4 Application System in accordance with the On-line TC-4 Implementation Guide for Kentucky School Districts.


Until December 31, 2014, a candidate for an emergency certificate for substitute teaching shall complete the Form TC-4 by using the EPSB On-line TC-4 Application System in accordance with the On-line TC-4 Implementation Guide for Kentucky School Districts.




Beginning January 1, 2015, a local school district shall initiate the online application process for candidates for an emergency certificate for substitute teaching using the EPSB On-line Emergency Substitute Application System in accordance with the On-line Emergency Substitute Application System Implementation Guide for Kentucky School Districts.


Beginning January 1, 2015, a candidate for an emergency certificate for substitute teaching shall complete the Form CA-4 by using the EPSB On-line Emergency Substitute Application System in accordance with the On-line Emergency Substitute Implementation Guide for Kentucky School Districts.


A local school district shall require candidates for an emergency certificate for substitute teaching for career and technical education or occupation-based emergency positions to complete a Form TC-4VE or Form CA-4VE.


A local school district shall submit any TC-4VE or Form CA-4VE application on which the candidate has provided an affirmative answer to any question in the application's Section IV, Character and Fitness, to the Education Professional Standards Board for approval prior to employing the candidate in a substitute teaching position.

Section 3.

Rank and Salary Provisions.


The Education Professional Standards Board shall issue the emergency certificate for full-time or part-time employment established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation with a rank designation based upon the criteria established in this subsection.


A teacher holding a valid Kentucky teaching certificate shall be issued an emergency certificate for full-time or part-time employment at the rank designated on the teacher's regular certificate.




A new teacher holding a valid one (1) year provisional certificate issued upon enrollment in the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program established in 16 KAR 7:010 shall be issued an emergency certificate for part-time employment at the rank designated on the teacher's one (1) year provisional certificate.


The teacher shall maintain a half-time enrollment in the internship as defined in 16 KAR 7:010 to remain eligible for the higher rank established in this paragraph.


If the teacher terminates or otherwise fails to continue enrollment in the internship prior to its successful completion, the teacher shall be reclassified at Rank IV until the teacher is properly reenrolled in the internship program.


A new teacher holding a valid Kentucky Statement of Eligibility shall be issued an emergency certificate for full-time or part-time employment at Rank IV until the teacher:


Is properly enrolled in the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program on at least a half-time basis as established in 16 KAR 7:010; and


Possesses the one (1) year provisional certificate referenced in paragraph (b)1 of this subsection.


An applicant for the emergency certificate for full-time or part-time employment who does not hold a valid Kentucky teaching certificate shall be issued the emergency certificate at Rank IV.


Local school districts issuing the emergency certificate for substitute teaching established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation shall adhere to the rank classifications established in KRS 161.1211.

Section 4.

Out-of-field Teaching.


Pursuant to KRS 161.1221(1), out-of-field teaching shall be classified in the following four (4) categories:


The number of emergency certificates issued by grade range, subject field, and district;


The number of probationary certificates issued by grade range, subject field, and district;


The number of temporary provisional certificates issued by grade range, subject field, and district; and


The number of teachers who do not possess a certificate of legal qualifications for the professional position they hold in the public schools, including a breakout of:


The number of teachers who hold no certificate;


The number of teachers who hold an expired certificate;


The number of certified teachers who are teaching outside of the subject field or fields indicated on their certificate who do not hold a credential listed in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection; and


The number of certified teachers who are teaching outside the grade range indicated on their certificate who do not hold a credential listed in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection.


If data is available, reports on out-of-field teaching in the four categories established in subsection (1) of this section shall differentiate between teachers who possess the equivalent of a college major, minor, or area of concentration in the subject area they are teaching.

Section 5.

Beginning January 1, 2015, an applicant for any certificate described in this administrative regulation who is not currently certified as an educator in Kentucky shall submit a national and state criminal background check performed in accordance with KRS 160.380(5)(c) within twelve (12) months prior to the date of application.

Section 6.

Incorporation by Reference.


The following material is incorporated by reference:


"Form CA-4", 08/2014;


"Form CA-4F", 08/2014;


"Form CA-4VE", 08/2014;


"Form TC-4", 10/2009;


"Form TC-4F", revised 10/2009;


Form TC-4VE", 10/2009;


"On-line Emergency Substitute Application Implementation Guide for Kentucky School Districts", August 2014; and


"On-line TC-4 Implementation Guide for Kentucky School Districts", May 2012.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Education Professional Standards Board, 100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

HISTORY: (SBE 42.810; 1 Ky.R. 498; eff. 3-12-1975; 8 Ky.R. 1164; eff. 6-2-1982; 11 Ky.R. 634; eff. 12-11-1984; 1643; eff. 5-6-1986; 13 Ky.R. 1472; eff. 3-6-1987; 15 Ky.R. 560; eff. 10-7-1988; 19 Ky.R. 2316; eff. 6-7-1993; 2316; 20 Ky.R. 423; 765; eff. 10-7-1993; 27 Ky.R. 1077; eff. 1-15-2001; 28 Ky.R. 467; 868; eff. 10-1-2001; 2066; 2340; eff. 5-16-2002; recodified from 704 KAR 20:120, 7-2-2002; 36 Ky.R. 1297; 1894; 3-5-2010; 39 Ky.R. 66; 456; eff. 9-10-2012; 41 Ky.R. 1698; eff. 1-5-2015; Cert. eff. 1-3-2022.)

7-Year Expiration: 7/16/2031

Last Updated: 3/3/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM