Title 016 | Chapter 005 | Regulation 010

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16 KAR 5:010.Standards for accreditation of educator preparation units and approval of programs.

Section 1.



"AACTE" means the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.


"Biennial report" means the report prepared by the EPSB summarizing the institutionally-prepared annual reports for a two (2) year period.


"Board of examiners" means the team who reviews an institution on behalf of NCATE or EPSB.


"EPSB" means the Education Professional Standards Board.


"NCATE" means the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.


"NCATE accreditation" means a process for assessing and enhancing academic and educational quality through voluntary peer review.


"State accreditation" means recognition by the EPSB that an institution has a professional education unit that has met accreditation standards as a result of review, including an on-site team review.

Section 2.

Accreditation Requirements.


An institution offering an educator certification program or a program leading to a rank change:


Shall be accredited by the state; and


May be accredited by NCATE.


State accreditation shall be:


A condition of offering an educator certification program or a program leading to a rank change; and


Based on the national accreditation standards which include the program standards enumerated in KRS 161.028(1)(b), and which are set out in the "Professional Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation Institutions" established by NCATE. The accreditation standards shall include:


Standard 1 - Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.


Standard 2 - Assessment System and Unit Evaluation. The unit has an assessment system that collects and analyzes data on applicant qualifications, candidate and graduate performance, and unit operations to evaluate and improve the unit and its programs.


Standard 3 - Field Experience and Clinical Practice. The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school personnel develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn.


Standard 4 - Diversity. The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and experiences for candidates to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. These experiences include working with diverse higher education and school faculty, diverse candidates, and diverse students in P-12 schools.


Standard 5 - Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development. Faculty are qualified and model best professional practices in scholarship, service, and teaching, including the assessment of their own effectiveness as related to candidate performance; they also collaborate with colleagues in the disciplines and schools. The unit systematically evaluates faculty performance and facilitates professional development.


Standard 6 - Unit Governance and Resources. The unit has the leadership, authority, budget, personnel, facilities, and resources including information technology resources, for the preparation of candidates to meet professional, state, and institutional standards.


NCATE accreditation shall not be a condition of offering an educator certification program or a program leading to a rank change.


All educator preparation institutions and programs operating in Kentucky that require licensure by the Council on Postsecondary Education under KRS 164.945, 164.946,164.947, and 13 KAR 1:020 shall:


Be accredited by the state through the EPSB under this administrative regulation as a condition of offering an educator certification program or a program leading to rank change; and


Comply with the EPSB "Accreditation of Preparation Programs Procedure".

Section 3.

Developmental Process for New Educator Preparation Programs.


New educator preparation institutions requesting approval from the EPSB to develop educator preparation programs that do not have a historical foundation from which to show the success of candidates or graduates as required under Section 9 of this administrative regulation shall follow the four (4) stage developmental process established in this section to gain temporary authority to admit candidates.


Stage One.


The educator preparation institution shall submit an official letter from the chief executive officer and the governing board of the institution to the EPSB for review and acceptance by the board indicating the institution's intent to begin the developmental process to establish an educator preparation program.


The EPSB staff shall make a technical visit to the institution.


The institution shall submit the following documentation:


Program descriptions required by Section 11 of this administrative regulation;


Continuous assessment plan required by Section 11(2) of this administrative regulation; and


Fulfillment of Preconditions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 established in Section 9 of this administrative regulation.


The EPSB shall provide for a paper review of this documentation by the Reading Committee and the Continuous Assessment Review Committee.


Following review of the documentation, EPSB staff shall make an additional technical visit to the institution.


Stage Two.


A board of examiners team shall make a one (1) day visit to the institution to verify the paper review.


The team shall be comprised of:


One (1) representative from a public postsecondary institution;


One (1) representative from an independent postsecondary institution; and


One (1) representative from the Kentucky Education Association.


The team shall submit a written report of its findings to the EPSB.


The EPSB shall provide a copy of the written report to the institution.



The institution may submit a written rejoinder to the report within thirty (30) working days of its receipt.


The rejoinder may be supplemented by materials pertinent to the conclusions found in the team's report.


The Accreditation Audit Committee shall review the materials gathered during Stages One and Two and make one (1) of the following recommendations to the EPSB with regards to temporary authorization:




Approval with conditions; or


Denial of approval.


Stage Three.


The EPSB shall review the materials and recommendations from the Accreditation Audit Committee and make one (1) of the following determinations with regards to temporary authorization:




Approval with conditions; or


Denial of approval.


An institution receiving approval or approval with conditions shall:


Hold this temporary authorization for two (2) years; and


Continue the developmental process and the first accreditation process established in this administrative regulation.


An institution denied temporary authorization may reapply.


During the two (2) year period of temporary authorization, the institution shall:


Admit candidates;


Monitor, evaluate, and assess the academic and professional competency of candidates; and


Report regularly to the EPSB on the institution's progress.


During the two (2) year period of temporary authorization, the EPSB:


May schedule additional technical visits; and


Shall monitor progress by paper review of annual reports, admission and exit data, and trend data.


Stage Four.


The institution shall host a first accreditation visit within two (2) years of the approval or approval with conditions of temporary authorization.


All further accreditation activities shall be governed by Section 9 of this administrative regulation.

Section 4.

Schedule and Communications.


The EPSB shall send an accreditation and program approval schedule to each educator preparation institution no later than August 1 of each year. The first accreditation cycle shall provide for an on-site continuing accreditation visit at a five (5) year interval. The regular accreditation cycle shall provide for an on-site continuing accreditation visit at a seven (7) year interval.


The accreditation and program approval schedule shall be directed to the official designated by the institution as the head of the educator preparation unit with a copy to the president. The head of the educator preparation unit shall disseminate the information to administrative units within the institution, including the appropriate college, school, department, and office.


The EPSB shall annually place a two (2) year schedule of on-site accreditation visits for a Kentucky institution in the agenda materials and minutes of an EPSB business meeting.


The EPSB shall coordinate dates for a joint state and NCATE accreditation on-site visit.


At least six (6) months prior to a scheduled on-site visit, an institution seeking NCATE or state accreditation shall give public notice of the upcoming visit.


The governance unit for educator preparation shall be responsible for the preparation necessary to comply with the requirements for timely submission of materials for accreditation and program approval as established in this administrative regulation.

Section 5.

Annual Reports.



Each institution shall report annually to the EPSB to provide data about:


Faculty and students in each approved program;


Progress made in addressing areas for improvement identified by its last accreditation evaluation; and


Major program developments in each NCATE standard.



An institution seeking accreditation from NCATE and EPSB shall complete the Professional Educator Data System (PEDS) sponsored by AACTE and NCATE and located online at http//www.aacte.org. After the PEDS is submitted electronically, the institution shall print a copy of the completed report and mail it to the EPSB at 100 Airport Road, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.


An institution seeking state-only accreditation shall complete the Annual State-Only Institutional Data Report online at http://www.kyepsb.net/teacherprep/index.asp and submit it electronically to the division contact through the EPSB Web site.



The EPSB shall review each institution's annual report to monitor the capacity of a unit to continue a program of high quality.


The EPSB may pursue action against the unit based on data received in this report.


The Accreditation Audit Committee shall submit a biennial report, based on data submitted in the annual reports, to the unit head in preparation for an on-site accreditation visit.

Section 6.

Content Program Review Committee.



The EPSB shall appoint and train a content program review committee in each of the certificate areas to provide content area expertise to EPSB staff and the Reading Committee.


Nominations for the content program review committees shall be solicited from the education constituent groups listed in Section 13 of this administrative regulation.



A content program review committee shall review an educator preparation program to establish congruence of the program with standards of nationally-recognized specialty program associations and appropriate state performance standards.


A content program review committee shall examine program content and faculty expertise.


A content program review committee shall submit written comments to EPSB staff and the Reading Committee for use in the program approval process.


A content program review committee shall not make any determination or decision regarding the approval or denial of a program.

Section 7.

Continuous Assessment Review Committee.


The EPSB shall appoint and train a Continuous Assessment Review Committee to be comprised of P-12 and postsecondary faculty who have special expertise in the field of assessment.


The Continuous Assessment Review Committee shall conduct a preliminary review of each institution's continuous assessment plan.


The Continuous Assessment Review Committee shall meet in the spring and fall semesters of each year to analyze the continuous assessment plan for those institutions that are within one (1) year of their on-site visit.


The Continuous Assessment Review Committee shall provide technical assistance to requesting institutions in the design, development, and implementation of the continuous assessment plan.

Section 8.

Reading Committee.


The EPSB shall appoint and train a Reading Committee representative of the constituent groups to the EPSB.


The Reading Committee shall conduct a preliminary review of accreditation materials, annual reports, and program review documents from an educator preparation institution for adequacy, timeliness, and conformity with the corresponding standards.


For first accreditation, the Reading Committee shall:


Review the preconditions documents prepared by the institution; and


Send to the EPSB a preconditions report indicating whether a precondition has been satisfied by documentation. If a precondition has not been met, the institution shall be asked to revise or send additional documentation. A preconditions report stating that the preconditions have been met shall be inserted into the first section of the institutional report.


For continuing accreditation and program approval, the Reading Committee shall:


Determine that a submitted material meets requirements;


Ask that EPSB staff resolve with the institution a discrepancy or omission in the report or program;


Refer an unresolved discrepancy or omission to the on-site accreditation team for resolution; or


Recommend that the evaluation and approval process be terminated as a result of a severe deficiency in the submitted material.


The EPSB shall discuss a recommendation for termination with the originating institution. The institution may submit a written response which shall be presented, with the Reading Committee comments and written accreditation and program, by EPSB staff for recommendation to the full EPSB.

Section 9.

Preconditions for First Unit Accreditation.


Eighteen (18) months prior to the scheduled on-site visit of the evaluation team, the educator preparation institution shall submit information to the EPSB, and to NCATE if appropriate, documenting the fulfillment of the preconditions for the accreditation of the educator preparation unit, as established in subsection (2) of this section.


As a precondition for experiencing an on-site first evaluation for educator preparation, the institution shall present documentation to show that the following conditions are satisfied:


Precondition Number 1. The institution recognizes and identifies a professional education unit that has responsibility and authority for the preparation of teachers and other professional education personnel. Required documentation shall include:


A letter from the institution's chief executive officer that designates the unit as having primary authority and responsibility for professional education programs;


A chart or narrative that lists all professional education programs offered by the institution, including any nontraditional and alternative programs. The chart or narrative report shall depict:


The degree or award levels for each program;


The administrative location for each program; and


The structure or structures through which the unit implements its oversight of all programs;


If the unit's offerings include off-campus programs, a separate chart or narrative as described in subparagraph 2 of this paragraph, prepared for each location at which off-campus programs are geographically located; and


An organizational chart of the institution that depicts the professional education unit and indicates the unit's relationship to other administrative units within the college or university.


Precondition Number 2. A dean, director, or chair is officially designated as head of the unit and is assigned the authority and responsibility for its overall administration and operation. The institution shall submit a job description for the head of the professional education unit.


Precondition Number 3. Written policies and procedures guide the operations of the unit. Required documentation shall include cover page and table of contents for codified policies, bylaws, procedures, and student handbooks.


Precondition Number 4. The unit has a well-developed conceptual framework that establishes the shared vision for a unit's efforts in preparing educators to work in P-12 schools and provides direction for programs, courses, teaching, candidate performance, scholarship, service, and unit accountability. Required documentation shall include:


The vision and mission of the institution and the unit;


The unit's philosophy, purposes, and goals;


Knowledge bases including theories, research, the wisdom of practice, and education policies, that inform the unit's conceptual framework;


Candidate proficiencies aligned with the expectations in professional, state, and institutional standards; and


A description of the system by which the candidate proficiencies described are regularly assessed.


Precondition Number 5. The unit regularly monitors and evaluates its operations, the quality of its offerings, the performance of candidates, and the effectiveness of its graduates. Required documentation shall include a description of the unit's assessment and data collection systems that support unit responses to Standards 1 and 2 established in Section 2(2)(b)1 and 2 of this administrative regulation.


Precondition Number 6. The unit has published criteria for admission to and exit from all initial teacher preparation and advanced programs and can provide summary reports of candidate performance at exit. Required documentation shall include:


A photocopy of published documentation (e.g., from a catalog, student teaching handbook, application form, or Web page) listing the basic requirements for entry to, retention in, and completion of professional education programs offered by the institution, including any nontraditional, alternative or off-campus programs; and


A brief summary of candidate performance on assessments conducted for admission into programs and exit from them. This summary shall include:


The portion of Title II documentation related to candidate admission and completion that was prepared for the state; and


A compilation of results on the unit's own assessments.


Precondition Number 7. The unit's programs are approved by the appropriate state agency or agencies and the unit's summary pass rate meets or exceeds the required state pass rate of eighty (80) percent. Required documentation shall include:


The most recent approval letters from the EPSB and CPE, including or appended by a list of approved programs. If any program is not approved, the unit shall provide a statement that it is not currently accepting new applicants into the nonapproved program or programs. For programs that are approved with qualifications or are pending approval, the unit shall describe how it will bring the program or programs into compliance; and


Documentation submitted to the state for Title II, indicating that the unit's summary pass rate on state licensure examinations meets or exceeds the required state pass rate of eighty (80) percent. If the required state pass rate is not evident on this documentation, it shall be provided on a separate page.


Precondition Number 8. If the institution has chosen to pursue dual accreditation from both the state and NCATE and receive national recognition for a program or programs, the institution shall submit its programs for both state and national review.


Precondition Number 9. The institution is accredited, without probation or an equivalent status, by the appropriate regional institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Required documentation shall include a copy of the current regional accreditation letter or report that indicates institutional accreditation status.

Section 10.

Institutional Report.


For a first accreditation visit, the educator preparation unit shall submit, two (2) months prior to the scheduled on-site visit, a written narrative describing the unit's conceptual framework and evidence that demonstrates the six (6) standards are met. The written narrative may be supplemented by a chart, graph, diagram, table, or other similar means of presenting information. The institutional report, including appendices, shall not exceed 100 pages in length. The report shall be submitted to the EPSB and to NCATE, if appropriate.


For a continuing accreditation visit, the educator preparation unit shall submit, two (2) months prior to the scheduled on-site visit, a report not to exceed 100 pages addressing changes at the institution that have occurred since the last accreditation visit, a description of the unit's conceptual framework, and evidence that demonstrates that the six (6) standards are met. The narrative shall describe how changes relate to an accreditation standard and the results of the continuous assessment process, including program evaluation. The report shall be submitted to the EPSB and to NCATE, if appropriate.

Section 11.

Program Review Documents. Eighteen (18) months for first accreditation and twelve (12) months for continuing accreditation in advance of the scheduled on-site evaluation visit, the educator preparation unit shall prepare and submit to the EPSB for each separate program of educator preparation for which the institution is seeking approval a concise description which shall provide the following information:


The unit's conceptual framework for the preparation of school personnel which includes:


The mission of the institution and unit;


The unit's philosophy, purposes, professional commitments, and dispositions;


Knowledge bases, including theories, research, the wisdom of practice, and education policies;


Performance expectations for candidates, aligning the expectations with professional, state, and institutional standards; and


The system by which candidate performance is regularly assessed;


The unit's continuous assessment plan that provides:


An overview of how the unit will implement continuous assessment to assure support and integration of the unit's conceptual framework;


Each candidate's mastery of content prior to exit from the program, incorporating the assessment of the appropriate performance standards;


Assessment of the program that includes specific procedures used to provide feedback and make recommendations to the program and unit; and


A monitoring plan for candidates from admission to exit;


Program experiences including the relationship among the program's courses and experiences, content standards of the relevant national specialty program associations (e.g., National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, National Council for the Social Studies, The Council for Exceptional Children, North American Association for Environmental Education, etc.), student academic expectations as established in 703 KAR 4:060, and relevant state performance standards established in 16 KAR 1:010 or incorporated by reference into this administrative regulation including:


NCATE Unit Standards established in Section 2(2)(b) of this administrative regulation;


Kentucky's Safety Educator Standards for Preparation and Certification;


National Association of School Psychologists, Standards for School Psychology Training Programs, Field Placement Programs, Credentialing Standards; and


Kentucky's Standards for Guidance Counseling Programs;



Identification of how the program integrates the unit's continuous assessment to assure each candidate's mastery, prior to exit from the program, of content of the academic discipline, and state performance standards as established in 16 KAR 1:010; and


Identification of how the program utilizes performance assessment to assure that each candidate's professional growth is consistent with the Kentucky Teacher Standards as established in 16 KAR 1:010;


A list of faculty responsible for and involved with the conduct of the specific program, along with the highest degree of each, responsibilities for the program, and status of employment within the unit and the university; and


A curriculum guide sheet or contract provided to each candidate before or at the time of admittance to the program.

Section 12.

Teacher Leader Master's Programs and Planned Fifth-Year Programs for Rank II.


All master's programs for rank change or planned fifth-year program for Rank II approved or accredited by the EPSB prior to May 31, 2008 shall no longer be approved or accredited as of December 31, 2010.


Master's programs for initial certification shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.


A master's program or planned fifth-year program for Rank II approved by the EPSB prior to May 31, 2008 shall cease admitting new candidates after December 31, 2010.


Candidates admitted to a master's program or planned fifth-year program for Rank II approved by the EPSB prior to May 31, 2008 shall complete the program by January 31, 2013.


An institution of higher learning with a master's program or a planned fifth-year program for Rank II approved by the EPSB prior to May 31, 2008 may submit a redesigned program for approval pursuant to the requirements of subsection (2) of this section beginning May 31, 2008.


An institution may become operational beginning January 1, 2009, if the institution:


Submits a redesigned master's program or a planned fifth-year program for Rank II for review pursuant to the requirements of subsection (2) of this section; and


Receives approval of the redesigned program by the EPSB pursuant to Section 22 of this administrative regulation.



The EPSB shall appoint a Master's Redesign Review Committee to conduct reviews of redesigned master's programs and planned fifth-year programs for Rank II submitted for approval after May 31, 2008.


A master's program or a planned fifth-year program for Rank II submitted for approval after May 31, 2008 shall not be reviewed by the Continuous Assessment Review Committee, Content Program Review Committee, or the Reading Committee prior to presentation to the EPSB pursuant to Section 22(2) of this administrative regulation, but shall be reviewed by the Master's Redesign Review Committee.



After review of a master's program or planned fifth-year program for Rank II, the Master's Redesign Review Committee shall issue one (1) of the following recommendations to the Educational Professional Standards Board:




Approval with conditions; or


Denial of approval.


The EPSB shall consider recommendations from staff and the Master's Redesign Review Committee and shall issue a decision pursuant to Section 22(4) of this administrative regulation.


Beginning May 31, 2008, the educator preparation unit shall prepare and submit to the EPSB for each separate master's program or planned fifth-year program for Rank II for which the institution is seeking approval a concise description which shall provide the following information:


Program design components which shall include the following descriptions and documentation of:


The unit's plan to collaborate with school districts to design courses, professional development, and job-embedded professional experiences that involve teachers at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels;


The unit's collaboration plan with the institution's Arts and Science faculty to meet the academic and course accessibility needs of candidates;


The unit's process to individualize a program to meet the candidate's professional growth or improvement plan;


The unit's method to incorporate interpretation and analysis of annual P-12 student achievement data into the program; and


The institution's plan to facilitate direct service to the collaborating school districts by education faculty members;


Program curriculum that shall include core component courses designed to prepare candidates to:


Be leaders in their schools and districts;


Evaluate high-quality research on student learning and college readiness;


Deliver differentiated instruction for P-12 students based on continuous assessment of student learning and classroom management;


Gain expertise in content knowledge, as applicable;


Incorporate reflections that inform best practice in preparing P-12 students for postsecondary opportunities;


Support P-12 student achievement in diverse settings;


Enhance instructional design utilizing the Program of Studies, Core Content for Assessment, and college readiness standards;


Provide evidence of candidate mastery of Kentucky Teacher Standards utilizing advanced level performances and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) Standards if applicable; and


Design and conduct professionally relevant research projects; and


The unit's continuous assessment plan that includes, in addition to the requirements of Section 11(2) of this administrative regulation:


Instruments to document and evaluate candidate ability to demonstrate impact on P-12 student learning;


Clinical experiences and performance activities; and


A description of a culminating performance-based assessment.



A master's program for rank change approved pursuant to this section shall be known as a Teacher Leader Master's Program.


Upon completion of a Teacher Leader Master's Program and recommendation of the institution, a candidate may apply to the EPSB for a Teacher Leader endorsement.



An institution with an approved Teacher Leader Master's Program may establish an endorsement program of teacher leadership coursework for any candidate who received a Master's degree at an out of state institution or who received a master's degree from a Kentucky program approved prior to May 31, 2008.


Upon completion of the teacher leadership course work and recommendation of the institution, a candidate who has received a master's degree at an out of state institution or a master's degree from a Kentucky program approved prior to May 31, 2008, may apply to the EPSB for a Teacher Leader endorsement.

Section 13.

Board of Examiners.


A Board of Examiners shall:


Be recruited and appointed by the EPSB. The board shall be comprised of an equal number of representatives from three (3) constituent groups:


Teacher educators;


P-12 teachers and administrators; and


State and local policymaker groups; and


Include at least thirty-six (36) members representing the following constituencies:


Kentucky Education Association, at least ten (10) members;


Kentucky Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, at least ten (10) members; and


At least ten (10) members nominated by as many of the following groups as may wish to submit a nomination:


Kentucky Association of School Administrators;


Persons holding positions in occupational education;


Kentucky Branch National Congress of Parents and Teachers;


Kentucky School Boards Association;


Kentucky Association of School Councils;


Kentucky Board of Education;


Kentucky affiliation of a national specialty program association;


Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence;


Partnership for Kentucky Schools; and


Subject area specialists in the Kentucky Department of Education.


An appointment shall be for a period of four (4) years. A member may serve an additional term if renominated and reappointed in the manner prescribed for membership. A vacancy shall be filled by the EPSB as it occurs.


A member of the Board of Examiners and a staff member of the EPSB responsible for educator preparation and approval of an educator preparation program shall be trained by NCATE or trained in an NCATE-approved state program.


The EPSB shall select and appoint for each scheduled on-site accreditation a team of examiners giving consideration to the number and type of programs offered by the institution. Team appointments shall be made at the beginning of the academic year for each scheduled evaluation visit. A replacement shall be made as needed.


For an institution seeking NCATE accreditation, the EPSB and NCATE shall arrange for the joint Board of Examiners to co-chaired be by an NCATE appointed team member and a state team chair appointed by the EPSB.


The joint Board of Examiners shall be composed of a majority of NCATE appointees in the following proportions, respectively: NCATE and state - six (6) and five (5), five (5) and four (4), four (4) and three (3), three (3) and two (2).


The size of the Board of Examiners shall depend upon the size of the institution and the number of programs to be evaluated.


For an institution seeking state-only accreditation, the EPSB shall appoint a chair from a pool of trained Board of Examiners members.


For state-only accreditation, the Board of Examiners shall have six (6) members.


The EPSB shall make arrangements for the release time of a Board of Examiner member from his or her place of employment for an accreditation visit.

Section 14.

Assembly of Records and Files for the Evaluation Team. For convenient access, the institution shall assemble, or make available, records and files of written materials which supplement the institutional report and which may serve as further documentation. The records and files shall include:


The faculty handbook;


Agenda, list of participants, and products of a meeting, workshop, or training session related to a curriculum and governance group impacting professional education;


Faculty vitae or resumes;


A random sample of graduates' transcripts;


Conceptual framework documents;


A curriculum program, rejoinder, or specialty group response that was submitted as a part of the program review process;


Course syllabi;


Policies, criteria, and student records related to admission and retention;


Samples of students' portfolios and other performance assessments;


Record of performance assessments of candidate progress and summary of results including a program change based on continuous assessment;


Student evaluations, including student teaching and internship performance; and


Data on performance of graduates, including results of state licensing examinations and job placement rates.

Section 15.

Previsit to the Institution. No later than one (1) month prior to the scheduled on-site evaluation visit, the EPSB shall conduct a previsit to the institution to make a final review of the arrangements. For an NCATE-accredited institution, the previsit shall be coordinated with NCATE.

Section 16.

On-site Accreditation Visit.


At least one (1) staff member of the EPSB shall be assigned as support staff and liaison during the accreditation visit.


The educator preparation institution shall reimburse a state team member for travel, lodging, and meals in accordance with 200 KAR 2:006. A team member representing NCATE shall be reimbursed by the educator preparation institution.


The evaluation team shall conduct an on-site evaluation of the self-study materials prepared by the institution and seek out additional information, as needed, to make a determination as to whether the standards were met for the accreditation of the institution's educator preparation unit and for the approval of an individual educator preparation program. The evaluation team shall make use of the analyses prepared through the preliminary review process.



An off-campus site which offers a self-standing program shall require a team review. If additional team time is required for visiting an off-campus site, the team chair, the institution, and the EPSB shall negotiate special arrangements.


Off-campus programs shall be:


Considered as part of the unit and the unit shall be accredited, not the off-campus programs; and


Approved in accordance with Section 28 of this administrative regulation.


In a joint team, all Board of Examiners members shall vote on whether the educator preparation institution has met the six (6) NCATE standards. A determination about each standard shall be limited to the following options:




Met, with one (1) or more defined areas for improvement; or


Not met.



The Board of Examiners shall review each program and cite the areas for improvement for each, if applicable.


The Board of Examiners shall define the areas for improvement in its report.


The processes established in subsections (5) and (6) of this section shall be the same for first and continuing accreditation.


The on-site evaluation process shall end with a brief oral report:


By the NCATE team chair and state team chair for a joint state/NCATE visit; or


By the state team chair for a state-only visit.

Section 17.

Preparation and Distribution of the Evaluation Report.


For a state-only visit, the evaluation report shall be prepared and distributed as required by this subsection.


The EPSB staff shall collect the written evaluation pages from each Board of Examiners member before leaving the institution.


The first draft shall be typed and distributed to Board of Examiners members.


A revision shall be consolidated by the Board of Examiners chair who shall send the next draft to the unit head to review for factual accuracy.


The unit head shall submit written notification to the EPSB confirming receipt of the draft.


The unit head shall submit to the EPSB and Board of Examiners chair within ten (10) working days either:


A written correction to the factual information contained in the report; or


Written notification that the unit head has reviewed the draft and found no factual errors.


The Board of Examiners chair shall submit the final report to the EPSB and a copy to each member of the Board of Examiners.


The final report shall be printed by the EPSB and sent to the institution and to the Board of Examiners members within thirty (30) to sixty (60) working days of the conclusion of the on-site visit.


For a joint state/NCATE visit, the evaluation report shall be prepared and distributed as required by this subsection.


The NCATE chair shall be responsible for the preparation, editing and corrections to the NCATE report.


The state chair shall be responsible for the preparation, editing and corrections of the state report in the same manner established in subsection (1) of this section for a state-only visit.


The EPSB Board of Examiners report for state/NCATE continuing accreditation visits shall be prepared in accordance with the format prescribed by NCATE for State/NCATE accreditation visits and available on its Web site at http//www.ncate.org/boe/boeResources.asp.

Section 18.

Institutional Response to the Evaluation Report.



The institution shall acknowledge receipt of the evaluation report within thirty (30) working days of receipt of the report.


If desired, the institution shall submit within thirty (30) working days of receipt of the report a written rejoinder to the report which may be supplemented by materials pertinent to a conclusion found in the evaluation report.


The rejoinder and the Board of Examiners report shall be the primary documents reviewed by the Accreditation Audit Committee and EPSB.


An unmet standard or area of improvement statement cited by the team may be recommended for change or removal by the Accreditation Audit Committee or by the EPSB because of evidence presented in the rejoinder. The Accreditation Audit Committee or the EPSB shall not be bound by the Board of Examiners decision and may reach a conclusion different from the Board of Examiners or NCATE.


If a follow-up report is prescribed through accreditation with conditions, the institution shall follow the instructions that are provided with the follow-up report.


If the institution chooses to appeal a part of the evaluation results, the procedure established in Section 24 of this administrative regulation shall be followed.


The institution shall make an annual report relating to the unit for educator preparation and relating to the programs of preparation as required by Section 5 of this administrative regulation.

Section 19.

Accreditation Audit Committee.


The Accreditation Audit Committee shall be a committee of the EPSB, and shall report to the full EPSB. The EPSB shall appoint the Accreditation Audit Committee as follows:


One (1) lay member;


Two (2) classroom teachers, appointed from nominees provided by the Kentucky Education Association;


Two (2) teacher education representatives, one (1) from a state-supported institution and one (1) from an independent educator preparation institution, appointed from nominees provided by the Kentucky Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; and


Two (2) school administrators appointed from nominees provided by the Kentucky Association of School Administrators.


The chairperson of the EPSB shall designate a member of the Accreditation Audit Committee to serve as its chairperson.


An appointment shall be for a period of four (4) years except that three (3) of the initial appointments shall be for a two (2) year term. A member may serve an additional term if renominated and reappointed in the manner established for membership. A vacancy shall be filled as it occurs in a manner consistent with the provisions for initial appointment.


A member of the Accreditation Audit Committee shall be trained by NCATE or in NCATE-approved training.


Following an on-site accreditation visit, the Accreditation Audit Committee shall review the reports and materials constituting an institutional self-study, the report of the evaluation team, and the institutional response to the evaluation report. The committee shall then prepare a recommendation for consideration by the EPSB.


The committee shall review procedures of the Board of Examiners to determine whether approved accreditation guidelines were followed.


For each institution, the committee shall make a recommendation with respect to the accreditation of the institutional unit for educator preparation as well as for approval of the individual programs of preparation.


For first accreditation, one (1) of four (4) recommendations shall be made:




Provisional accreditation;


Denial of accreditation; or


Revocation of accreditation.


For regular continuing accreditation, one (1) of four (4) recommendations shall be made:




Accreditation with conditions;


Accreditation with probation; or


Revocation of accreditation.


For both first and continuing accreditation, the Accreditation Audit Committee shall review each program report including a report from the Reading Committee, Board of Examiners team, and institutional response and shall make one (1) of three (3) recommendations for each individual preparation program to the EPSB:




Approval with conditions; or


Denial of approval.


The Board of Examiners Team Chair may write a separate response to the recommendation of the Accreditation Audit Committee's if the Accreditation Audit Committee decision differs from the Board of Examiners' evaluation report.


The Accreditation Audit Committee shall compile accreditation data and information for each Kentucky institution that prepares school personnel. It shall prepare for the EPSB reports and recommendations regarding accreditation standards and procedures as needed to improve the accreditation process and the preparation of school personnel.

Section 20.

Official State Accreditation Action by the Education Professional Standards Board.


A recommendation from the Accreditation Audit Committee shall be presented to the full EPSB.


The EPSB shall consider the findings and recommendations of the Accreditation Audit Committee and make a final determination regarding the state accreditation of the educator preparation unit.


Decision options following a first accreditation visit shall be "accreditation", "provisional accreditation", "denial of accreditation", or "revocation of accreditation".




This accreditation decision indicates that the unit meets each of the six (6) NCATE standards for unit accreditation. Areas for improvement may be cited, indicating problems warranting the institution's attention. In its subsequent annual reports, the professional education unit shall be expected to describe progress made in addressing the areas for improvement cited in the EPSB's action report.


The next on-site visit shall be scheduled five (5) years following the semester of the visit.


Provisional accreditation.


This accreditation decision indicates that the unit has not met one (1) or more of the NCATE standards. The unit has accredited status but shall satisfy provisions by meeting each previously-unmet standard. EPSB shall require submission of documentation that addresses the unmet standard or standards within six (6) months of the accreditation decision, or shall schedule a visit focused on the unmet standard or standards within two (2) years of the semester that the provisional accreditation decision was granted. If the EPSB decides to require submission of documentation, the institution may choose to waive that option in favor of the focused visit within two (2) years. Following the focused visit, the EPSB shall decide to:


Accredit; or


Revoke accreditation.


If the unit is accredited, the next on-site visit shall be scheduled for five (5) years following the semester of the first accreditation visit.


Denial of accreditation. This accreditation decision indicates that the unit does not meet one (1) or more of the NCATE standards, and has pervasive problems that limit its capacity to offer quality programs that adequately prepare candidates.


Revocation of accreditation. This accreditation decision indicates that the unit has not sufficiently addressed the unmet standard or standards following a focused visit.


Decision options following a continuing accreditation visit shall be "accreditation", "accreditation with conditions", "accreditation with probation", or "revocation of accreditation".




This accreditation decision indicates that the unit meets each of the six (6) NCATE standards for unit accreditation. Areas for improvement may be cited, indicating problems warranting the institution's attention. In its subsequent annual reports, the professional education unit shall be expected to describe progress made in addressing the areas for improvement cited in EPSB's action report.


The next on-site visit shall be scheduled for seven (7) years following the semester of the visit.


Accreditation with conditions.


This accreditation decision indicates that the unit has not met one (1) or more of the NCATE standards. If the EPSB renders this decision, the unit shall maintain its accredited status, but shall satisfy conditions by meeting previously unmet standards. EPSB shall require submission of documentation that addresses the unmet standard or standards within six (6) months of the decision to accredit with conditions, or shall schedule a visit focused on the unmet standard or standards within two (2) years of the semester that the accreditation with conditions decision was granted. If the EPSB decides to require submission of documentation, the institution may choose to waive that option in favor of the focused visit within two (2) years. Following the focused visit, the EPSB shall decide to:


Continue accreditation; or


Revoke accreditation.


If the EPSB renders the decision to continue accreditation, the next on-site visit shall be scheduled for seven (7) years following the semester in which the continuing accreditation visit occurred.


Accreditation with probation.


This accreditation decision indicates that the unit has not met one (1) or more of the NCATE standards and has pervasive problems that limit its capacity to offer quality programs that adequately prepare candidates. As a result of the continuing accreditation review, the EPSB has determined that areas for improvement with respect to standards may place an institution's accreditation in jeopardy if left uncorrected. The institution shall schedule an on-site visit within two (2) years of the semester in which the probationary decision was rendered. This visit shall mirror the process for first accreditation. The unit as part of this visit shall address all NCATE standards in effect at the time of the probationary review at the two (2) year point. Following the on-site review, the EPSB shall decide to:


Continue accreditation; or


Revoke accreditation.


If accreditation is continued, the next on-site visit shall be scheduled for five (5) years after the semester of the probationary visit.


Revocation of accreditation. Following a comprehensive site visit that occurs as a result of an EPSB decision to accredit with probation or to accredit with conditions, this accreditation decision indicates that the unit does not meet one (1) or more of the NCATE standards, and has pervasive problems that limit its capacity to offer quality programs that adequately prepare candidates. Accreditation shall be revoked if the unit:


No longer meets preconditions to accreditation, such as loss of state approval or regional accreditation;


Misrepresents its accreditation status to the public;


Falsely reports data or plagiarized information submitted for accreditation purposes; or


Fails to submit annual reports or other documents required for accreditation.


Notification of EPSB action to revoke continuing accreditation or deny first accreditation, including failure to remove conditions, shall include notice that:


The institution shall inform students currently admitted to a certification or rank program of the following:


A student recommended for certification or advancement in rank within the twelve (12) months immediately following the denial or revocation of state accreditation and who applies to the EPSB within the fifteen (15) months immediately following the denial or revocation of state accreditation shall receive the certificate or advancement in rank; and


A student who does not meet the criteria established in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph shall transfer to a state accredited education preparation unit in order to receive the certificate or advancement in rank; and


An institution for which the EPSB has denied or revoked accreditation shall seek state accreditation through completion of the first accreditation process. The on-site accreditation visit shall be scheduled by the EPSB no earlier than two (2) years following the EPSB action to revoke or deny state accreditation.

Section 21.

Revocation for Cause.


If an area of concern or an allegation of misconduct arises in between accreditation visits, staff shall bring a complaint to the EPSB for initial review.


After review of the allegations in the complaint, the EPSB may refer the matter to the Accreditation Audit Committee for further investigation.



Notice of the EPSB's decision to refer the matter and the complaint shall be sent to the institution.


Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint, the institution shall respond to the allegations in writing and provide evidence pertaining to the allegations in the complaint to the EPSB.



The Accreditation Audit Committee shall review any evidence supporting the allegations and any information provided by the institution.


Upon completion of the review, the Accreditation Audit Committee shall issue a report containing one (1) of the following four (4) recommendations to the EPSB:




Accreditation with conditions;


Accreditation with probation; or


Revocation of accreditation.


The institution shall receive a copy of the Accreditation Audit Committee's report and may file a response to the Accreditation Audit Committee's recommendation.



The recommendation from the Accreditation Audit Committee and the institution's response shall be presented to the EPSB.


The EPSB shall consider the findings and recommendations of the Accreditation Audit Committee and make a final determination regarding the accreditation of the educator preparation unit.

Section 22.

Program Approval Action Outside the First or Regular Continuing Accreditation Cycle.


Approval of a program shall be through the program process established in Section 11 of this administrative regulation except that a new program not submitted during the regular accreditation cycle or a program substantially revised since submission during the accreditation process shall be submitted for approval by the EPSB prior to admission of a student to the program.


For a new or substantially revised program, the EPSB shall consider a recommendation by staff, including review by the Continuous Assessment Review Committee, Content Program Review Committee, and the Reading Committee.


A recommendation made pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be presented to the full EPSB.


Program approval decision options shall be:


Approval, with the next review scheduled during the regular accreditation cycle unless a subsequent substantial revision is made;


Approval with conditions, with a maximum of one (1) year probationary extension for correction of a specified problem to be documented through written materials or through an on-site visit. At the end of the extension, the EPSB shall decide that the documentation supports:


Approval; or


Denial of approval; or


Denial of approval, indicating that a serious problem exists which jeopardizes the quality of preparation of school personnel.


The EPSB shall order a review of a program if it has cause to believe that the quality of preparation is seriously jeopardized. The review shall be conducted under the criteria and procedures established in the EPSB "Emergency Review of Certification Programs Procedure" policy incorporated by reference. The on-site review shall be conducted by EPSB staff and a Board of Examiners team. The review shall result in a report to which the institution may respond. The review report and institutional response shall be used by the Executive Director of the EPSB as the basis for a recommendation to the full EPSB for:




Approval with conditions; or


Denial of approval for the program.


If the EPSB denies approval of a program, the institution shall notify each student currently admitted to that program of the EPSB action. The notice shall include the following information:


A student recommended for certification or advancement in rank within the twelve (12) months immediately following the denial of state approval and who applies to the EPSB within the fifteen (15) months immediately following the denial of state approval shall receive the certification or advancement in rank; and


A student who does not meet the criteria established in paragraph (a) of this subsection shall transfer to a state approved program in order to receive the certificate or advancement in rank.

Section 23.

Public Disclosure.


After a unit or program approval decision becomes final, the EPSB shall prepare official notice of the action. The disclosure notice shall include the essential information provided in the official letter to the institution, including the decision on accreditation, program approval, standards not met, program areas for improvement, and dates of official action.


The public disclosure shall be entered into the minutes of the board for the meeting in which the official action was taken by the EPSB.


Thirty (30) days after the institution has received official notification of EPSB action, the EPSB shall on request provide a copy of the public disclosure notice to the Kentucky Education Association, the Council on Postsecondary Education, the Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities or other organizations or individuals.

Section 24.

Appeals Process.


If an institution seeks appeal of a decision, the institution shall appeal within thirty (30) days of receipt of the EPSB official notification. An institution shall appeal on the grounds that:


A prescribed standard was disregarded;


A state procedure was not followed; or


Evidence of compliance in place at the time of the review and favorable to the institution was not considered.


An ad hoc appeals board of no fewer than three (3) members shall be appointed by the EPSB chair from members of the Board of Examiners who have not had involvement with the team visit or a conflict of interest regarding the institution. The ad hoc committee shall recommend action on the appeal to the EPSB.


The consideration of the appeal shall be in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B.

Section 25.

Approval of Alternative Route to Certification Programs.


Alternative route programs authorized under KRS 161.028(1)(s) or (t) shall adhere to the educator preparation unit accreditation and program approval processes established in this administrative regulation and in the EPSB policy and procedure entitled "Approval of Alternative Route to Certification Program Offered Under KRS 161.028" as a condition of offering an educator certification program or program leading to a rank change.


The EPSB shall consider a waiver upon request of the institution offering the alternative route program. The request shall be submitted in writing no later than thirty (30) days prior to the next regularly-scheduled EPSB meeting. In granting the waiver, the board shall consider the provisions of this administrative regulation and any information presented that supports a determination of undue restriction.

Section 26.

In compliance with the Federal Title II Report Card State Guidelines established in 20 U.S.C. 1022f and 1022g, the EPSB shall identify an educator preparation unit as:


"At-risk of low performing" if an educator preparation program has received a:


State accreditation rating of "provisional"; or


State accreditation rating of "accreditation with conditions"; or


"Low performing" if an educator preparation program has received a state accreditation rating of "accreditation with probation".

Section 27.

The Education Professional Standards Board shall produce a state report card, which shall include:


General information on the institution and the educator preparation unit;


Contact information for the person responsible for the educator preparation unit;


Type or types of accreditation the unit holds;


Current state accreditation status of the educator preparation unit;


Year of last state accreditation visit and year of next scheduled visit;


Table of the unit's approved certification program or programs;


Tables relating the unit's total enrollment disaggregated by ethnicity and gender for the last three (3) years;


Tables relating the unit's faculty disaggregated by the number of full-time equivalents (FTE), ethnicity, and gender for the last three (3) years;


Table of the number of program completers (teachers and administrators) for the last three (3) years;


Table relating pass rates on the required assessments;


Table relating pass rates for the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program;


Table relating pass rates for the Kentucky Principal Internship Program (if applicable);


Table indicating student teacher satisfaction with the preparation program;


Table relating teacher intern satisfaction with the preparation program; and


Table relating new teacher (under three (3) years) and supervisor satisfaction with the preparation program.

Section 28.

Approval of Off-site and On-line Programs.


Institutions in Kentucky with educator preparation programs shall seek approval from the Education Professional Standards Board before offering courses or whole programs at an off-campus site.


The institution shall submit a written request to the board to begin offering courses at the off-site location describing the location and physical attributes of the off-campus site, resources to be provided, faculty and their qualifications, and a list of courses or programs to be offered.


The off-site location shall be approved by the board before the institution may begin offering courses at the location.



Until May 31, 2008, initial and continuing on-line educator preparation programs shall be regionally or nationally accredited and accredited or approved, as applicable, by the program's state of origin.


Beginning June 1, 2008, initial and continuing on-line educator preparation programs originating from outside Kentucky shall be regionally accredited, accredited or approved, as applicable, by the program's state of origin, and accredited by NCATE.

Section 29.

Incorporation by Reference.


The following material is incorporated by reference:


"Professional Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation Institutions", 2008 Edition, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education;


"Education Professional Standards Board Accreditation of Preparation Programs Procedure", August 2002;


"Education Professional Standards Board Approval of Alternative Route to Certification Program Offered under KRS 161.028", August 2002;


"Education Professional Standards Board Emergency Review of Certification Programs Procedure", September 2003;


"Kentucky's Safety Educator Standards for Preparation and Certification", May 2004;


"National Association of School Psychologists, Standards for School Psychology Training Programs, Field Placement Programs, Credentialing Standards", July 2000; and


"Kentucky's Standards for Guidance Counseling Programs" derived from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) Standards, Education Professional Standards Board, November 2004.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Education Professional Standards Board, 100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

HISTORY: (23 Ky.R. 4275; Am. 24 Ky.R. 343; eff. 8-4-97; 1952; eff. 5-18-98; 27 Ky.R. 3356; 28 Ky.R. 383; eff. 8-15-2001; Recodified from 704 KAR 20:696, 7-2-02; 29 Ky.R. 2916; 30 Ky.R. 260; eff. 8-13-03; 31 Ky.R. 1854; 32 Ky.R. 29; eff. 8-5-05; 32 Ky.R. 2047; 33 Ky.R. 19; eff. 8-7-06; 34 Ky.R. 1081; 1690; eff. 2-1-2008; 35 Ky.R. 2321; 2655; eff. 6-8-2009; 37 Ky.R. 2027; 2365; eff. 5-6-2011.)

7-Year Expiration: 2/1/2029

Last Updated: 3/3/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM