Title 016 | Chapter 009 | Regulation 010E
This emergency administrative regulation is being promulgated in order to meet an imminent deadline for the promulgation of an administrative regulation that is established by state statute. During the 2024 legislative session, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 265 and the Governor signed it into law on April 9, 2024. This legislation, which became effective on the Governor’s signature, amends KRS 161.048(2) to remove the requirement of an offer of employment prior to issuance of the certificate and require one (1) year of successful teaching experience and recommendation of the employing school district prior to issuance of the professional certificate. Per KRS 161.048(1)(e) the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) has the authority to promulgate administrative regulations establishing the standards and procedures for the Option 1 alternative route to certification. Since this emergency legislation became effective upon the Governor’s signature, the emergency regulation is necessary to establish the application requirements for certification under the Option 1 alternative route to certification. This emergency administrative regulation will be replaced by an ordinary administrative regulation because the requirements for certification under this route are expected to remain in statute. The ordinary administrative regulation is identical to this emergency administrative regulation.
16 KAR 9:010E.Provisional and professional certificate for exceptional work experience.
Section 1.
"Exceptional work experience" means a person with recognized superiority as compared with others in rank, status, and attainment or superior knowledge and skill in comparison with the generally accepted standards in the area in which certification is sought.(2)
"Population based certificate" means a certificate for teaching elementary, exceptional children, or interdisciplinary early childhood education.Section 2.
Verification of exceptional qualifications of an applicant for certification, in a field of endeavor taught or service practiced in a public school of Kentucky, shall include:(1)
Sufficient documentation that demonstrates to the local school district and the Education Professional Standards Board that an applicant is one who has exceptional work experience and has talents and abilities commensurate with the teacher standards, established in 16 KAR 1:010;(2)
Documentation may include advanced degrees earned, distinguished employment, evidence of related study or experience, publications, professional awards, achievement, or recognition attained for contributions to an applicant's field of endeavor; and recommendations from professional associations, former employers, professional colleagues, or any other individual or group whose evaluations shall support exceptional work in the field.(3)
Exceptional work experience shall not apply to population based certificates.Section 3.
Certification Requirements.(1)
An eligible candidate for certification other than a population based certificate who meets the requirements of KRS 161.048(2) and 16 KAR 2:010, Section 3(1), shall be issued a two (2) year provisional certificate for exceptional work experience.(2)
The provisional certificate shall be issued for the content area and grade range corresponding to the candidate's degree and teaching experience.(3)
The provisional certificate shall be valid for teaching the content area and grade range indicated on the face of the certificate.(4)
If a candidate does not complete one (1) year of successful teaching experience during the initial provisional certificate, the candidate may apply to renew the provisional certificate.(5)
Application for renewal of the two (2) year provisional certificate shall be submitted to the EPSB and be in compliance with 16 KAR 2:010, Section 3(1).(6)
Upon completion of one (1) year of successful teaching experience on the provisional certificate, the candidate may apply for the professional certificate.(2)
Application for the professional certificate shall be submitted to the EPSB and shall:(a)
Contain proof of successful completion of one (1) year of teaching experience;(b)
Contain a recommendation from the employing school district; and(c)
Be in compliance with 16 KAR 2:010, Section 3(1).This emergency administrative regulation is being promulgated in order to meet an imminent deadline for the promulgation of an administrative regulation that is established by state statute. During the 2024 legislative session, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 265 and the Governor signed it into law on April 9, 2024. This legislation, which became effective on the Governor’s signature, amends KRS 161.048(2) to remove the requirement of an offer of employment prior to issuance of the certificate and require one (1) year of successful teaching experience and recommendation of the employing school district prior to issuance of the professional certificate. Per KRS 161.048(1)(e) the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) has the authority to promulgate administrative regulations establishing the standards and procedures for the Option 1 alternative route to certification. Since this emergency legislation became effective upon the Governor’s signature, the emergency regulation is necessary to establish the application requirements for certification under the Option 1 alternative route to certification. This emergency administrative regulation will be replaced by an ordinary administrative regulation because the requirements for certification under this route are expected to remain in statute. The ordinary administrative regulation is identical to this emergency administrative regulation.