Title 031 | Chapter 004 | Regulation 110

31 KAR 4:110.Approval of establishment of precinct containing less than 350 registered voters.

Section 1.

The State Board of Elections shall approve the establishment of a precinct containing less than 350 registered voters by a county board of elections if the county board submits to the state board a written request for approval that demonstrates either of the following:


That combining the subject precinct with an adjoining precinct will create an undue hardship on the voters of the subject precinct because of geographic impediments in the subject precinct or the distance from the polling place in the subject precinct to the closest polling place in an adjoining precinct; or


That combining the subject precinct with an adjoining precinct would create an undue hardship on the voters of the precinct because fifty (50) percent or more of the voters in the subject precinct are physically disabled or elderly.

Section 2.

A written request for approval under Section 1 of this administrative regulation shall be accompanied by supportive evidence which may include a map illustrating the difficulty of combining the subject precinct with an adjoining precinct due to geographic impediments or distance.

Section 3.

Nothing in this administrative regulation shall impair or affect the requirement that the county board of elections establish precincts so that no boundary of a precinct crosses a boundary set forth in KRS 117.055(1).

HISTORY: (21 Ky.R. 3087; 22 Ky.R. 274; eff. 7-26-1995; Crt eff. 3-6-2019.)

7-Year Expiration: 3/6/2026

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 9/19/2024, 12:15:11 PM