Title 101 | Chapter 001 | Regulation 375

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Personnel Board
(Amended at ARRS Committee)

101 KAR 1:375.Employee grievances and complaints.

Section 1.

Definition. "Grievance" meansDefinitions; Grievance. A grievance isDefinition. "Grievance" means a complaint filed by an employee thatwhich concerns some aspect of the employee'stheir his or her conditions of employment:


Over which thetheirthe employee's cabinet or agency has control;, and


ThatWhich has occurred, or of which the employee has become aware, through the exercise of due diligence,, within thirty (30) days prior to filing.

Section 2.

General Provisions.


An employee in the classified service who believes that they havehe or she has been subjected to unfair or unjust treatment concerning the employee'stheir conditions of employment may file a grievance. A grievance shall be in accordance with this administrative regulationprocedure administrative regulation.


A grievance concerning an action that which is appealable directly to the board pursuant to KRS 18A.095 may also be filed with the cabinet or agency. The filing of a grievance with the cabinet or agency shall not:




Prohibit the employee from also filing an appeal with the board;; or


(b) Extend the statutory appeal period.


An employee utilizing thethis procedure established in this administrative regulation shall be entitled to file a grievance without interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.


An appointing authority shall inform its employees of the provisions of this administrative regulation, or any modifications in the levels of review that have been approved by the Personnel Board for the employee's cabinet or agency pursuant to Section 4(3)(4) of this administrative regulation.




The Personnel Cabinet shall provide to the employees, through the appointing authorities, a grievance form to be used for the filing a grievance.


"Grievance Form (Revised October 2011)" is incorporated by reference.


This form may be inspected, copied, or obtained at the Personnel Board, 1025 Capital Center Drive, Suite 105, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Section 3.



A grievance shall be filed on a Grievance Form on a Grievance Form with an employee's immediate supervisor within thirty (30) days following occurrence or the employee becoming aware, through the exercise of due diligence, of the action that is the subject of the grievance. If the action or conduct of the first line supervisor is the basis of an employee's grievance, the grievance may be filed with the second line supervisor.


An employee shall state in writing the basis of the employee'stheirthe grievance or complaint together with the corrective action desired. If an employee wishes to submit additional information or documentation, the employeethey the employee may attach it to the Grievance Form.


If a grievance is filed that alleges discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age forty (40) or over, the recipient of this grievance shall immediately notify the cabinet or agency EEO coordinator to comply with the affirmative action plan.


Interviews to evaluate or investigate the grievance outside of normal work hours with the grievant or other employees shall entitle employee participantsthem to compensatory time.


Interviews to evaluate or investigate the grievance held with the grievant or other employees shall not require the use of leave time.


Parties may have a representative present at each step of the grievance procedure.

Section 4.

Grievance Levels.


Except as provided by Section 3(1) of this administrative regulation, the immediate supervisor shall, upon investigation, issue findings and a decision in writing to the employee within ten (10) work days after receipt of the grievance. If the responding supervisor is unable to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the employee, the employee may request review of the grievance, which shall be requested within five (5) work days of receipt of the decision by the next appropriate level.


The next line supervisors shall each have five (5) work days to respond to the grievance. The employee shall havehasshall have five (5) work days after each intermediate supervisory review to decide to appeal the grievance to the next level.


If the line supervisors are unable to resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the employee, the employee may request review of the grievance, which shall be requested within five (5) work days of receipt of the decision of the final line supervisor by the appointing authority for a final determination. The appointing authority, upon investigation, shall issue findings and a final determination in writing to the employee within twenty (20) work days.


Unless the time limits have been extended by agreement of the parties, failure of supervisory or management personnel to respond within the establishedprescribed time limits shall automatically advance the grievance to the next review level.


An intermediate grievance level may be waived. Waiver shall be by written agreement of the parties.

Section 5.

Incorporation by Reference.


"Grievance Form", October 2011, is incorporated by reference.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Personnel Board, 1025 Capital Center Driver, Suite 105, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Section 5. Incorporation by Reference. (1) "Grievance Form", October 2011, is incorporated by reference.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Personnel Board, 1025 Capital Center Drive, Suite 105, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

HISTORY: (15 Ky.R. 1721; eff. 3-8-1989; 17 Ky.R. 97; eff. 9-12-1990; 19 Ky.R. 81; 867; eff. 10-8-1992; 21 Ky.R. 462; eff. 9-14-1994; 38 Ky.R. 641; 890; eff. 11-16-2011; TAm eff. 1-22-2018; 48 Ky.R. 1229, 2194; eff. 5-3-2022.)

FILED WITH LRC: January 10, 2022
CONTACT PERSON: Stafford Easterling General Counsel, Personnel Board, 1025 Capital Center Drive, Suite 105, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, phone (502) 564-7830, fax (502) 695-5799, email stafford.easterling@ky.gov.

7-Year Expiration: 12/3/2031

Last Updated: 12/3/2024

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