Title 201 | Chapter 016 | Regulation 514

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201 KAR 16:514.Fees for animal control agencies and animal euthanasia specialists.

Section 1.

Payment and Submission of Fees.


Fees to the board shall be paid by check or money order, or, if available, online payment by debit or credit card. Checks and money orders shall be made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.


All fees shall be nonrefundable.

Section 2.

Application Fees.


The application fee for issuance of a board certificate authorizing an animal control agency to apply for a restricted controlled substance registration with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) shall be fifty (50) dollars. The fee shall be attached to the completed Application for Certification as an Animal Control Agency form as found in 201 KAR 16:550 or online equivalent form, including all required attachments. The animal control agency shall undergo inspection by an authorized representative of the board in accordance with 201 KAR 16:550, Section 1(3) prior to the issuance of a certificate.


The application fee for a certified animal euthanasia specialist shall be fifty (50) dollars. The fee shall be attached to the completed Application for Certification as an Animal Euthanasia Specialist form as found in 201 KAR 16:560 or online equivalent form, including all required attachments.

Section 3.

Renewal Fees for Animal Control Agencies.



Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this subsection, a certified animal control agency shall annually, on or before March 1, pay to the board a renewal fee of fifty (50) dollars for the renewal of the certificate. The animal control agency shall submit the complete Renewal Application for Animal Control Agencies form as found in 201 KAR 16:572 or online equivalent form, including all required attachments, and fee payment to the board.


The renewal fee for the first renewal shall be waived for a certificate issued 120 days prior to the end of the renewal period.


A sixty (60) day grace period shall be allowed after March 1, during which time the animal control agency may continue to function as though certified until a late renewal application is submitted to the board. The late fee for renewal shall be ten (10) dollars in addition to the renewal fee as described in Section 3(1) of this administrative regulation. The animal control agency shall submit the complete Renewal Application for Animal Control Agencies form as found in 201 KAR 16:572 or online equivalent form, including all required attachments, and fee payment, to the board between March 2 and April 30 of the annual renewal period. The late fee for renewal, if applicable, shall not be reduced or waived without board authorization.


An animal control agency restricted controlled substance registration certificate shall expire if no renewal package, and late fee if applicable, is paid to the board annually by April 30.


If not more than five (5) years have elapsed since the last date of certificate expiration, an animal control agency that has an expired restricted controlled substance registration certificate may be reinstated upon the submission of a completed Reinstatement Application for Animal Control Agencies form as found in 201 KAR 16:550 or online equivalent form, including all attachments, and the payment of a reinstatement fee of seventy-five (75) dollars. The animal control agency shall undergo inspection by an authorized representative of the board in accordance with 201 KAR 16:550, Section 1(3) prior to the reinstatement of a certificate. An animal control agency shall not apply for a new certificate during this five (5) year window; a reinstatement application shall be required.


If more than five (5) years have elapsed since the last date of certificate expiration, an animal control agency shall reapply to obtain a board certificate authorizing restricted controlled substance registration with the DEA.

Section 4.

Renewal Fees for Animal Euthanasia Specialists.



Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this subsection, a certified animal euthanasia specialist shall annually, on or before March 1, pay to the board a renewal fee of fifty (50) dollars for the renewal of the certificate. The animal euthanasia specialist shall submit the complete Renewal Application for Animal Euthanasia Specialists form as found in 201 KAR 16:572 or online equivalent form, including all required attachments, and fee payment to the board.


The renewal fee for the first renewal shall be waived for a certificate issued 120 days prior to the end of the renewal period.


A sixty (60) day grace period shall be allowed after March 1, during which time the certified animal euthanasia specialist may continue to function as though certified until a late renewal application is submitted to the board. The late fee for renewal shall be ten (10) dollars in addition to the renewal fee as described in Section 4(1) of this administrative regulation. The animal euthanasia specialist shall submit the complete Renewal Application for Animal Euthanasia Specialists form as found in 201 KAR 16:572 or online equivalent form, including all required attachments and fee payments, to the board between March 2 and April 30 of the renewal period. The late fee for renewal, if applicable, shall not be reduced without board authorization.


An animal euthanasia specialist certificate shall expire if no renewal package, and late fee if applicable, is paid to the board annually by April 30.


If not more than five (5) years have elapsed since the last date of certificate expiration, an animal euthanasia certificate that has expired may be reinstated upon the submission of a completed Reinstatement Application for Animal Euthanasia Specialists form as found in 201 KAR 16:560 or online equivalent form, including all attachments, and the payment of a reinstatement fee of seventy-five (75) dollars. An animal euthanasia specialist shall not apply for a new certificate during this five (5) year window; a reinstatement application shall be required.


If more than five (5) years have elapsed since the last date of certificate expiration, an individual shall reapply to obtain a certificate as an animal euthanasia specialist in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Section 5.

Inactive Status for Animal Euthanasia Specialists.



A certified animal euthanasia specialist may request or be moved to inactive licensure status in accordance with 201 KAR 16:580. There shall not be a fee.


There shall not be a renewal fee for a certified animal euthanasia specialist with inactive licensure status.



A certified animal euthanasia specialist may reinstate his or her certificate to active status in accordance with 201 KAR 16:580.


There shall be a reinstatement fee of fifty (50) dollars only if the certificate was placed in inactive status as a result of:


The certificate holder's request; or


By severing employment with the affiliated animal control agency on record with the board.

HISTORY: (46 Ky.R. 1726, 2463, 2606; eff. 6-30-2020.)

7-Year Expiration: 4/2/2031

Last Updated: 3/4/2025

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