Title 201 | Chapter 017 | Regulation 090

201 KAR 17:090.Continuing education requirements.

Section 1.



"Academic courses offered by an accredited postsecondary institution" means:


A speech-language pathology or audiology course, designated by a speech-language pathology or audiology title or content; or


An academic course, relevant to speech-language pathology or audiology.


"Approved" means recognized by the Kentucky Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.


"Continuing education hour" means sixty (60) clock minutes of participating in continuing educational experiences.


"Program" means an organized learning experience:


Planned and evaluated to meet behavioral objectives; and


Presented in one (1) session or a series.


"Provider" means an organization approved by the Kentucky Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology for providing a continuing education program.


"Related" means having content that is not directly linked to the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology, but expands or augments clinical practice.


"Relevant" means having content applicable to the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology.

Section 2.

Accrual of Continuing Education Hours.


A minimum of thirty (30) continuing education hours shall be accrued by each person holding licensure as a speech-language pathologist, speech-language pathology assistant, or audiologist during the biennial period for renewal. Two (2) of these hours shall be focused on ethics.


A person who holds a license in both speech-language pathology and audiology shall complete a minimum of fifty (50) continuing education hours during the biennial period for renewal. This person shall obtain continuing education hours in both areas of licensure. Two (2) of these hours shall be focused on ethics.


All continuing education hours shall be in the field in which the person is licensed. The licensee may use up to a maximum of four (4) hours in a related area for each biennial period.


A person newly licensed during the license renewal period shall not be required to complete continuing education as a prerequisite for the first renewal of his license.


A person failing to renew the license within the five (5) year period after its expiration shall obtain a license only after meeting the initial licensure requirements of 201 KAR Chapter 17. In addition, the applicant shall provide proof of the successful completion of thirty (30) hours of continuing education within the last two (2) years for a speech-language pathology, speech-language pathology assistant, or audiology license or fifty (50) hours of continuing education for a license in both speech-language pathology and audiology.


Continuing education shall be completed by January 31 of the renewal period.

Section 3.

Methods of Acquiring Continuing Education Hours. Continuing education hours applicable to the renewal of the license shall be directly related to the professional growth and development of a speech-language pathologist, speech-language pathology assistant, or audiologist.


The hours shall be earned by completing any of the following educational activities:


Programs not requiring board review and approval. An educational program from any of the following providers shall be deemed to be relevant to the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology and shall be approved without further review by the board if the program is:


Sponsored or approved by:


The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; or


The American Academy of Audiology; or


An academic course offered by an accredited postsecondary institution directly related to speech-language pathology or audiology. Academic credit equivalency for continuing education hours shall be based on one (1) credit hour equals fifteen (15) continuing education hours. Programs designated to meet degree requirements shall not be acceptable;


Programs requiring board review and approval. The board shall issue an approval number upon receipt of the documentation required by Section 4 of this administrative regulation. A program from any of the following sources shall be reviewed and determined if the program is relevant and therefore subsequently approved by the board:


A program, including a home study course or in-service training provided by another organization, educational institution, or service provider approved by the board in accordance with Section 5 of this administrative regulation;


A program or academic course presented by the licensee. A presenter of a relevant program or academic course shall earn full continuing education credit for each contact hour of instruction, not to exceed one-half (1/2) of the continuing education renewal requirements. Credit shall not be issued for repeated instruction of the same course; or


Authoring an article in a relevant, professionally recognized or juried publication. Credit shall not be granted for an article unless the article was published within the two (2) year period immediately preceding the renewal date and a licensee shall not earn more than one-half (1/2) of the continuing education hours required for renewal. More than one (1) publication shall not be counted during a renewal period.


Online coursework shall not exceed ten (10) hours per day.


A general education course, elective course, or a course designated to meet degree requirements shall not be acceptable.


Related continuing education subjects which are not specifically a part of the field of speech-language pathology or audiology may be approved for up to four (4) continuing education hours if the board believes that the related areas serve to enhance the licensee's ability to practice. The four (4) hour maximum credit for related areas of study by the licensee shall be applicable to only one (1) license (speech-language pathology or audiology) for those individuals who hold dual licensure.

Section 4.

Procedures for Approval of Continuing Education Programs. A course, which has not been preapproved by the board, may be used for continuing education if approval is secured from the board for the course. The board may consider for approval a Continuing Education program if one (1) or more of the following items have been submitted. In order for the board to adequately review a program, the following information shall be submitted:


A published course or seminar description;


Names and qualifications of the instructors;


A copy of the program agenda indicating hours of education, coffee and lunch breaks;


Number of continuing education hours requested;


Application to the board for continuing education credits approval.

Section 5.

Procedures for Preapproval of Continuing Education Sponsors and Programs.


Sponsor approval. An entity seeking to obtain approval:


Of a continuing education program prior to its offering shall apply to the board at least thirty (30) days in advance of the commencement of the program, and shall provide the information required in Section 4 of this administrative regulation; or


As a prior-authorized continuing education provider under Section 3(1)(a) of this administrative regulation shall satisfy the board that the entity seeking this status:


Consistently offers programs which meet or exceed all the requirements set forth in subsection (2) of this section; and


Does not exclude a licensee from its programs.


A continuing education activity shall be qualified for approval if the board determines the activity being presented:


Is an organized program of learning;


Pertains to subject matters which integrally relate to the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology;


Contributes to the professional competency of the licensee; and


Is conducted by individuals who have relevant educational training or experience.


Providers of continuing education shall provide attendees with a certificate of completion including the course approval number provided by the board.

Section 6.

Responsibilities and Reporting Requirements of a Licensee.


During the licensure renewal period, up to fifteen (15) percent of all licensees shall be selected at random by the board and required to furnish documentation of the completion of the appropriate number of continuing education hours. Verification of continuing education hours shall not otherwise be reported to the board;


A licensee shall:


Be responsible for obtaining required continuing education hours;


Identify his own continuing education needs and seek activities that meet those needs;


Seek ways to integrate new knowledge, skills and attitudes;


Select approved activities by which to earn continuing education hours;


Submit to the board, if applicable, a request for approval for continuing education activities not approved as required in Section 3(1) of this administrative regulation;


At the time of renewal, list the continuing education hours obtained during that licensure renewal period;


Document attendance, participation in, and successful completion of continuing education activity for a period of two (2) years from the date of the renewal; and


Maintain records of continuing education hours.


If audited, the following items are required to document continuing education activity:


A transcript or tracking sheet issued by a professional association; or


A transcript, official certificate of completion, or affidavit signed by the instructor;


Failure to comply with the provisions of this administrative regulation shall constitute a violation of KRS 334A.170(4) and shall result in:


Refusal to renew licensure;


Suspension of licensure; or


Revocation of licensure;


Documentation sent to the board prior to renewal shall be returned to the licensee by regular mail.

Section 7.

Responsibilities and Reporting Requirements of Providers and Sponsors.


A provider of continuing education not requiring board approval shall be responsible for providing documentation, as established in Section 5(2) of this administrative regulation, directly to the licensee.


A sponsor of continuing education requiring board approval shall be responsible for submitting a course offering to the board for review and approval before listing or advertising that offering as approved by the board. The board shall provide an identifying number for the sponsor to use in identifying the course.

Section 8.

Board to Approve Continuing Education Hours; Appeal of Denial.


If an application for approval of continuing education hours is denied, in whole or part, the licensee shall have the right to appeal the board's decision.


An appeal shall be:


In writing;


Received by the board within thirty (30) days after the date of the decision denying approval of continuing education hours; and


Conducted in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B.

Section 9.

Waiver or Extensions of Continuing Education.


On application, the board may grant a waiver of the continuing education requirements or an extension of time within which to fulfill the requirements in the following cases:


Medical disability of the licensee;


Illness of the licensee or an immediate family member; or


Death or serious injury of an immediate family member.


A written request for waiver or extension of time involving medical disability or illness shall be:


Submitted by the person holding licensure; and


Accompanied by a verifying document signed by a licensed physician.


A waiver of or extension of time within which to fulfill the minimum continuing education requirements shall not exceed one (1) year.

Section 10.

Continuing Education Requirements for a Person on Inactive Status or Holding Interim Licensure.


Except as provided by subsection (3) of this section, the continuing education requirements established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation shall be waived for a licensee on inactive status during the time period the licensee remains inactive. A person on inactive status who requests reactivation shall meet the requirements of Section 11 of this administrative regulation.


The continuing education requirements established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation shall not apply to a person holding interim licensure.


A licensee on inactive status shall submit proof of thirty (30) hours of continuing education if applying for a third consecutive biennial renewal under inactive status. For subsequent renewals, an inactive licensee shall obtain thirty (30) hours of continuing education for every six (6) years on inactive status. These hours shall be obtained no more than two (2) years prior to the six (6) year deadline. Two (2) of these hours shall be focused on ethics.

Section 11.

Continuing Education Requirements for Reinstatement or Reactivation of Licensure.


A person requesting reinstatement or reactivation of licensure shall submit evidence of thirty (30) hours of continuing education within the twenty-four (24) month period immediately preceding the date on which the request for reinstatement or reactivation is submitted to the board.


If the person seeking reinstatement or reactivation does not meet the requirement established in subsection (1) of this section, the board shall reinstate or reactivate licensure, and the person shall obtain thirty (30) hours of continuing education within twelve (12) months of the date on which licensure is reinstated.


The continuing education hours received in compliance with this section shall be in addition to the continuing education requirements established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation and shall not be used to comply with the requirements of that section.

HISTORY: (13 Ky.R. 1316; eff. 2-10-1987; Am. 15 Ky.R. 2163; eff. 5-4-1989; 19 Ky.R. 447; eff. 10-8-1992; 26 Ky.R. 879; 1529; eff. 1-26-2000; 27 Ky.R. 3324; eff. 9-10-2001; 36 Ky.R. 851; 1448; eff. 2-5-2010; 39 Ky.R. 823; 1678; eff. 3-8-2013; Crt eff. 2-21-2020.)

7-Year Expiration: 2/21/2027

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM