Title 201 | Chapter 019 | Regulation 215
201 KAR 19:215.Accredited schools and colleges.
Section 1.
Accredited Schools and Colleges. Schools and colleges of architecture that have professional degree programs meeting the requirements of the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) shall constitute the list of accredited programs of the schools and colleges.HISTORY: (47 Ky.R. 607, 1543; eff. 5-4-2021.)
201 KAR 19:215.Accredited schools and colleges.
Section 1.
Accredited Schools and Colleges. Schools and colleges of architecture that have professional degree programs meeting the requirements of the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) shall constitute the list of accredited programs of the schools and colleges.HISTORY: (47 Ky.R. 607, 1543; eff. 5-4-2021.)